Highly Visible
3 friends trying to escape the employment trap by bringing you the greatness of their conversations. From commentary on current events and conspiracy theories to philosophy and buck hunting you will spend countless hours blowing off work and your family to hear what hot takes and pithy statements flow effortlessly from the mouths of our fine team.
Highly Visible
22. Would You Rather 3
ANOTHER would you rather episode? these guys are so lame. talk about something serious.. like snow blindness in stray cats. - Random Internet Person, probably
Hey everyone! New would you rather episode this week. Slightly more serious than previous editions but still a lot of fun. Enjoy!
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I hate that as soon as the timer was up, you're like, what?
[HighVisCaden]:you say?
[HighVisCullen]:to the highly visible podcast. My name is Cullen and I will be your Reddit user this evening. And I am joined by two very, very unattractive men. But first, we're going to start with Caden.
[HighVisCaden]:What? Yes. here.
[HighVisCaden]:Where is it? In a kind of war.
[HighVisCullen]:Is this what it was like to be a substitute teacher in your class? Huh? Who's Caden? Huh? Me? Okay, yeah, I hear teacher. And Dan, Dan is also here.
[HighVisCullen]:See, that's a good troop right there. You
[HighVisCullen]:know, he says his name, he says, yes, sir, yes, sir. And then he like marches around and shit. He's a good boy. Kayden, you're back.
[HighVisCaden]:The damn brain apple for you for class, Kellen.
[HighVisCullen]:Um, I wouldn't eat it. You bring
[HighVisCullen]:me some talkie bell though. That's see, that's how you get the real, that's how the teachers know. You're just try hard if you bring an apple, but you bring them a talkie bell volcano burrito. Then they're like, this guy gets it. Or some alcohol.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, Yeager go teach
[HighVisCaden]:going on.
[HighVisCullen]:especially for a substitute, probably really, really needed it.
[HighVisCaden]:What are we doing today, Cullen?
[HighVisCullen]:Okay. No, you know, I was trying to, you know, just have a little back and forth to start because, you know, why not have some friendship? You know, that's what this podcast supposed to be about. Friendship. And you guys are like, nah, let's get right into the topic. Okay. And then you like
[HighVisCaden]:do it.
[HighVisCullen]:up your fucking you pushed up your glasses. It's fine.
[HighVisDan]:I was waiting that whole time for Katie to be like, what? That fucking out of fell out of my chair. That happened. I've been done.
[HighVisCaden]:What the fuck are
[HighVisCaden]:we saying?
[HighVisCullen]:today is, today's topic is going to be would you rather number three. So we're another would you rather episodes. They're usually, uh, usually pretty fun. So anyone, whoever wants to go first, you just, you just take over.
[HighVisCaden]:I'll go, I guess. Um, let's see. Would you rather never be stuck in traffic again or never get another cold? Before you answer, think about when you're laying in bed and you can't fucking breathe out your nose and you're like, you just wanna die. So I do that quite often. As soon as you lay down, your nostrils clog up and you can't breathe while you're sleeping.
[HighVisDan]:that but I mean at the same time like you could also every single time you've got to shit and there's traffic for that problem to just be erased like or for you to be pissed off that you have to go anywhere anyway and then all of a sudden every addict in the town has to come out and sit at every red light like you know that for that to go away man
[HighVisCaden]:Luckily, we're not somewhere where, you know, there's crazy traffic like that all the time.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, yeah,
[HighVisCaden]:Now, if
[HighVisCaden]:were like
[HighVisDan]:just said trains.
[HighVisCaden]:in like a. Huh. Trains.
[HighVisDan]:For the trains in this, yeah, for this County to be eradicated
[HighVisCaden]:All true.
[HighVisDan]:to trains.
[HighVisCaden]:That's true.
[HighVisDan]:Dude, it's ridiculous. I'm so, there has to be a measurable death toll because of the trains here. Ambulances and first responders not being able to get to the like, cause half the city is, well, a quarter probably is cut off because of tracks.
[HighVisDan]:You know what I mean? And they've got 400 cars going three miles an hour. They're just like, fuck you, buddy.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah. I feel like they didn't think about when they built all that stuff. Cause
[HighVisDan]:Heck you.
[HighVisCaden]:because like, when you
[HighVisCaden]:about it, like one train, if it's long enough can block the entire, the
[HighVisCaden]:city. Like,
[HighVisDan]:tracks. Yeah.
[HighVisDan]:Multiple crosses. That's the problem I have. I guess that was what I thought of when you said traffic. I would definitely take illness over just regular traffic.
[HighVisCaden]:Hmm. I know like when, uh, Caitlin and I go down to Gatlinburg, like never fricking fails in Tennessee or not Tennessee, but Kentucky. There's always, always traffic bumper to bumper.
[HighVisCaden]:Either we're going down and there's traffic or coming back and you gotta wait like ads, like two hours onto your arrival times because you're sitting.
[HighVisDan]:That's a heavy tourist spot, isn't it? Or,
[HighVisDan]:or is that one of them? Yeah. Or yeah, Gatlinburg.
[HighVisDan]:Is that what you said?
[HighVisDan]:I didn't, I just remember you said something about Tennessee. I didn't remember the exact location, but yeah, I imagine,
[HighVisCaden]:even just
[HighVisDan]:never been.
[HighVisCaden]:south anywhere, you know, you're about to hit some form of traffic.
[HighVisCaden]:I don't know. I hate laying down and my nostrils are clogged up. You can't breathe. Yeah, I don't know. I'd probably take a cold. I can sit in traffic. Don't don't really bother me.
[HighVisCaden]:Tell them what you think.
[HighVisCullen]:Well, Kayden, I'm glad you asked because as a known non-lever of the house,
[HighVisCullen]:I don't deal with traffic that much. So I think I'm going to get rid of my colds and I'll deal with the traffic that I hit once a year. I don't even remember the last time I sat in traffic for anything other than a train. So. We gotta be talking years.
[HighVisCullen]:you have...
[HighVisCaden]:you gotta leave your town to hit traffic sometimes.
[HighVisCullen]:When you
[HighVisCullen]:have this many TVs, why would you ever need to leave?
[HighVisCaden]:can watch everything at once.
[HighVisCullen]:Yes. I can watch Spoderman. I can watch Batman. I can watch Superman. I can watch sports. Why would I need to get groceries?
[HighVisCaden]:and you got door dashed.
[HighVisCullen]:I exist completely off photosynthesis through the lights of my TVs.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh my
[HighVisCullen]:be jealous, Daniel.
[HighVisDan]:You're right. How dare
[HighVisCullen]:be. I know, you sit there every
[HighVisDan]:is awesome.
[HighVisCullen]:at your
[HighVisDan]:love that,
[HighVisDan]:though. That is awesome. Photosynthesis from the light of my TV's. That is a clippable
[HighVisCullen]:I know
[HighVisCullen]:you sit there every evening
[HighVisCullen]:looking on your, sitting on your little sad bed. I bet it's a race car bed. You're, you know,
[HighVisCullen]:and your
[HighVisCullen]:wife, nevermind. We're going to skip the first
[HighVisCullen]:story that popped into my head. And second story, uh, you got your sad little TV on your race car bed and just looking at the wall, like, man, wish there was like six more of those on that wall.
[HighVisDan]:But it's like one of them tiny ones mounted really far across the room so you can barely actually even make out what's on it.
[HighVisCullen]:Michael Scott.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, yeah, I forgot all about that. Yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan's just standing at the foot of his bed, looking at his 12 inch TV.
[HighVisDan]:And he's so proud of it. Ah, absolutely.
[HighVisCaden]:It's a plasma.
[HighVisDan]:That's a play. She cracks it. Oh, that was top notch. I forgot all about that. I have to do
[HighVisCullen]:could you
[HighVisDan]:one of
[HighVisDan]:the office.
[HighVisCullen]:about that since it's the only show you've ever loved?
[HighVisDan]:Nah, I mean, it's one of the most, but I haven't watched it since our old job.
[HighVisDan]:Was that
[HighVisCullen]:We don't
[HighVisDan]:and a half
[HighVisDan]:ago? We shouldn't talk about our current job.
[HighVisCullen]:Alright, we definitely don't talk about that.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, do you have one that you would like to
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, I mean,
[HighVisCullen]:say, now
[HighVisCullen]:that we've
[HighVisDan]:it a little
[HighVisDan]:Um, I think do either of you wear glasses? Like, do you need glasses? I don't believe. Okay. So I'm going to cut this last one off. It's a, it's one of those ones with multiple choice, but it doesn't apply to any of us. But so which of these small upgrades would you rather have? Right? Would you rather have a muscle mass increase of 33% gain 10 IQ points?
[HighVisDan]:This one is weak. I think, but I'll have to throw it in. Change your hair permanently once. You gain two inches in height, if you're that insecure, or become three years younger.
[HighVisCullen]:This is a trash question. You thought
[HighVisDan]:That's what
[HighVisDan]:I mean.
[HighVisCullen]:was you thought this needed to be brought. There's only two options
[HighVisDan]:Which one? Which two do you think it is?
[HighVisCullen]:I forget the one that made you stronger,
[HighVisCullen]:you know, the
[HighVisCullen]:beefcake one and the IQ and that's about it
[HighVisDan]:Beefcake and IQ.
[HighVisCullen]:So do I want to be a cooler, a cooler guy or a nerdier guy? These are the questions that you're asking me.
[HighVisDan]:You wouldn't even be a nerdier guy. Uh, a gain of 10 IQ points for you would make you like proficient in basic math.
[HighVisCullen]:Hmm, really? All right, Dan, which one of us took calculus? Huh?
[HighVisDan]:I knew that shit was coming.
[HighVisCullen]:it, say it. Which one
[HighVisCullen]:of us took calculus?
[HighVisDan]:listen. Hmm.
[HighVisCullen]:Which one of us has a trophy for a math competition in our safe?
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, that's right.
[HighVisDan]:You keep it in a safe?
[HighVisCullen]:Oh, yeah, it's my one. It's my crowning achievement in life. It was me. Had a bunch of fucking other dumbasses, but I was the
[HighVisCaden]:got one
[HighVisCaden]:carat gold paint on it, man. I gotta
[HighVisCaden]:it in the same.
[HighVisDan]:what grade were you in?
[HighVisCullen]:It has Sherwin Williams on it, bro. Can't
[HighVisDan]:It just
[HighVisCullen]:getting rid of that. Uh, I was a junior. I was the only junior on the team and there was a bunch of other, it was nine seniors and then me as it was the only junior that placed.
[HighVisDan]:How many virgins
[HighVisCullen]:And then when
[HighVisCullen]:I went
[HighVisDan]:fit into
[HighVisCullen]:my senior
[HighVisDan]:a math
[HighVisCullen]:I didn't remember shit.
[HighVisDan]:So you just efficiently brain-dumped everything that got you a trophy that you could covet forever.
[HighVisCullen]:I actually think it was just better to be in pre-calculus during that thing than it was to be in calculus.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, yeah. Yeah, I bet that helps you in a warehouse. Bet that really served you
[HighVisCullen]:It does. You know,
[HighVisDan]:that time.
[HighVisCullen]:I gotta be finding the fucking derivative of the, you know, the palette size.
[HighVisCullen]:You gotta be finding it, you know?
[HighVisCullen]:Sometimes you gotta be drawing that little squiggly letter and some numbers that I can't remember. Alright, what I meant to say, Dan, was 2 plus 2
[HighVisCullen]:equal 4.
[HighVisDan]:If the party says five, it's five.
[HighVisCullen]:The party. Like, like what kind of party?
[HighVisDan]:like not a rave, you know, that's a little aggressive, more like an old English tea sipping party in a quiet room where everybody
[HighVisCullen]:thought you were talking about communist
[HighVisDan]:clears their
[HighVisCullen]:but it's fine.
[HighVisDan]:Well, yeah, I, but I mean, I just got done reading 1984. So that's like, you're like two plus two. That's one of the things if, if it means if we say it's five, then it's five. He's like, it can't be that. I'm like, it can. And they
[HighVisDan]:torture you until you believe it.
[HighVisCullen]:If you think about it, nevermind, we're not going down that rabbit hole. Uh, so yeah, my final answer is 10 IQ points.
[HighVisDan]:Okay. Do you think 10 IQ points? Sorry, I know, Caden, didn't mean to like jump in real quick. But
[HighVisDan]:do you think 10 IQ would really make that much of a difference for you?
[HighVisCullen]:Why would I need that much more body mass though?
[HighVisDan]:No, I'm not. I'm not saying in contrast to muscle mass. I'm just saying, do you think 10
[HighVisCullen]:For me,
[HighVisDan]:IQ points?
[HighVisCullen]:I mean, yeah, going
[HighVisCullen]:from like 165 to 175, that's probably pretty sick.
[HighVisCaden]:Chill, bro, chill.
[HighVisDan]:Listen, first no. Okay. Anyway, Cain, what you got? Bring us back to
[HighVisCaden]:I think the only two that would matter for me would be the muscle and then. OK, about
[HighVisCaden]:hair. Well, your hair do like if you do like
[HighVisCullen]:god, this man.
[HighVisCaden]:Listen, listen, listen. I don't want to go bald like so. If I choose that, would
[HighVisDan]:That's fair.
[HighVisCaden]:I never go bald or just
[HighVisCaden]:or what? I
[HighVisDan]:I mean, why
[HighVisDan]:not? It's better than just being like, I'm a redhead now. Like, congrats, you still
[HighVisCaden]:I am a
[HighVisDan]:Not you, but yeah.
[HighVisCaden]:Mm hmm.
[HighVisDan]:I don't know, that one's
[HighVisDan]:weak, but
[HighVisCaden]:don't know.
[HighVisCaden]:I probably
[HighVisDan]:to, to do it, like you said, like if you are balding and you could do it to that, then I would understand that, but to just change its color, like, I don't know. That's there. I mean, geez. Wait, I don't know.
[HighVisCaden]:Um, Oh, what's that commercial where they're the, uh, like a Lowe's like a home Depot and they're in the paint section. The guy's like, she's blue hair. It could not say the girl was a girl with blue hair. He's like, Oh, she has blue hair. Like he couldn't hold it in. He had to say it. Yeah.
[HighVisDan]:They stole that straight from Anchorman.
[HighVisCaden]:That's so good. How long
[HighVisCaden]:do you have one
[HighVisCullen]:it doesn't seem like it's that good.
[HighVisCullen]:He's like, this commercial is so good. No, it's not good.
[HighVisDan]:Well, if
[HighVisCullen]:Kayden, your choice is trash. Dan, did you make a choice?
[HighVisDan]:Oh no, well yeah I would do,
[HighVisDan]:I mean,
[HighVisDan]:I don't,
[HighVisCaden]:hold up
[HighVisCaden]:Mr. Buckin
[HighVisCaden]:Nerd with your 10 IQ points that you wanna add. That's a trash answer, bro.
[HighVisCullen]:No it's not.
[HighVisCaden]:Yes it is.
[HighVisCullen]:No it's not. Yours is, listen,
[HighVisCaden]:can do
[HighVisCullen]:you might as well.
[HighVisCaden]:one grade higher of fucking math and
[HighVisCullen]:Listen here, bud.
[HighVisCaden]:you could have done.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen. Are you listening?
[HighVisCullen]:You might as well use your hair change to get some clown hair, because that's what fucking the answer was. It was a clown answer. get you a fucking, get you one of them rainbow afros. That's what, cause that's the only way that makes it worth it.
[HighVisCaden]:If I can have Afro, it'll be pretty cool.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan's choosing minus three years because he's insecure about being 30.
[HighVisDan]:not 30. But I
[HighVisDan]:mean, yeah, it's fine, though.
[HighVisCullen]:Is it?
[HighVisDan]:of me
[HighVisCullen]:it fine?
[HighVisDan]:wants to choose the muscle mass because I don't think 10 IQ points is going to change my life. But it's only a 30% increase. That just means my boobs are going to get bigger. But like,
[HighVisCullen]:It's muscle, not fat.
[HighVisDan]:I understand that. But that doesn't mean that the fat on my body is converted into muscle. I just I think I just sporadically gained 33% increase in muscle mass. So the fat
[HighVisDan]:there is still there.
[HighVisCullen]:you have
[HighVisDan]:means that
[HighVisCullen]:of muscle
[HighVisCullen]:currently, so that means you're gonna gain a pound of muscle. I think you'll be okay. I don't think you'll really even notice. You might as
[HighVisCullen]:well take
[HighVisCullen]:IQ points.
[HighVisDan]:You're you're fair if we're going off like a base percentage of how much muscle mass I have now and 33% of that then it's probably just to say for better take the 10 IQ points even though it's not going to make any difference either I'm still going to be just slightly too stupid to change my situation.
[HighVisCullen]:What's your situation?
[HighVisDan]:I work
[HighVisCullen]:a good one. Actually, I have a really good one.
[HighVisCaden]:I work with
[HighVisCullen]:good fucking
[HighVisCullen]:good setup, Dan.
[HighVisCullen]:Let's see if
[HighVisCullen]:I can find
[HighVisCullen]:it. Someone talk while I try to find it.
[HighVisDan]:All right. I'm just going to scroll. I got Reddit up here. So we're just going to scroll to a random one while he does that
[HighVisDan]:and see
[HighVisDan]:if it's
[HighVisDan]:worthy. OK.
[HighVisCullen]:Would you rather be in a horrible situation with your best friends
[HighVisCullen]:or be in a great situation all alone? and I like to think of this as When it says horrible situation It doesn't mean you're about to fucking like you're about to get fucking killed by some mob dude And you're tied up not that horrible like
[HighVisCullen]:would you rather? Work at McDonald's and never do fucking anything with your life with your best friends or have everything you ever wanted professionally But no friends
[HighVisCaden]:That wasn't a question though.
[HighVisCullen]:But that's what I'm spinning it into.
[HighVisCullen]:So now it is the question.
[HighVisDan]:So fail
[HighVisCullen]:I am
[HighVisCullen]:the captain
[HighVisDan]:succeed alone, basically.
[HighVisCullen]:if you want to put it real simple. And I haven't actually thought about this one at all. But I don't really like
[HighVisCullen]:you guys that much. So as long as I get to keep Kaylin, like I'll
[HighVisCullen]:think I'll take the succeed.
[HighVisCaden]:Nope, alone.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, if you don't get to keep a significant other, I don't see how you could pick the other way.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah. I'd suffer
[HighVisCullen]:just say,
[HighVisCaden]:my fiance.
[HighVisCullen]:let's just say, let's just say you get to keep your significant other, you just lose the boys.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, then
[HighVisDan]:I mean,
[HighVisDan]:if you have kids, you'll do the same. It'll the same thing will happen. So yeah, I'll
[HighVisDan]:the only
[HighVisCullen]:kids, uh, it's like the end of, uh, Infinity War. And they just like start, they turn into sand when you make the choice.
[HighVisDan]:That's exactly yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:Dingo ones looking at you like, no dad. And you're like, you just like hopping into a Ferrari, like, sorry, bud.
[HighVisDan]:Oh no, okay, uh, yeah, no, I don't know. What would it be worth?
[HighVisCullen]:That's the question.
[HighVisDan]:I mean,
[HighVisCullen]:answering my question with a question.
[HighVisDan]:well, no, I'm just saying like, what it depends, because if you think your success, if you only succeed for your own benefit, and that's fine. Like, I don't know why everybody thinks that's a horrible thing. It's completely fine. Um, but if you're honest about it, if that's what you're out for, then okay. But if, if you're, if you can't handle being alone, but you've got this like, lone wolf mentality because you got your heart broke or some dumb, stupid, current, trendy thing. So you go out and you succeed alone and you're at the top alone. I mean, even famous musicians who have everything they could ever want and do exactly what they love their entire life, end up committing suicide. Material things aren't going to bring you happiness. If you can't do it alone, that's the big question.
[HighVisCullen]:I don't know.
[HighVisDan]:Well, okay, I wouldn't say they can't. I think that's also, I think that standard that nothing that won't bring you happiness. I don't think that's equally applicable to everyone. I definitely don't think that's a what do you call that a societal standard or something like that? Like, it's I don't think it's true across the board. But I don't think it would make me happy. So I would just fail together if that makes sense. Or yeah, I think that's how it was said.
[HighVisCaden]:I think it would depend
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, there
[HighVisCullen]:is no succeeding for you.
[HighVisCaden]:the form of succeeding, because like if you were if you had like people to help you succeed and then at the end you're alone and you kind of just don't have them anymore. Or like if you just did it on your own, because that would be a difference, I think, because if you were like just
[HighVisCaden]:succeeding on your own, then I think it'd be easier when you're at the top. But I think if you have friends and stuff that help you along, you know, to get to the top and
[HighVisCaden]:then you just have nobody, then that'd probably be pretty depressing.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, that's another aspect of it too. Like, yeah, is, is if you just hunkered down by yourself and built this by yourself and then you're just,
[HighVisDan]:you're the beneficiary of it because you built it single-handedly, that's a lot different than what I'm thinking. This is, is where like you make it and then you just have to chop everybody off.
[HighVisDan]:I guess not worth it in my opinion.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I agree.
[HighVisDan]:But if, if I build something myself, then then absolutely I'm going to be the sole beneficiary of it because Mark five houses down didn't contribute. So why should he be a beneficiary of it? It goes the same for the boys, just because the boys will get a new house because they're the boys. Like that's just the generosity and that's, but like, I don't know. Being solely responsible for your own success isn't a problem. Isn't a bad thing for sure. But if you have to cut people off who either supported you, like you said, or, or that you, uh, I don't know. Yeah
[HighVisCullen]:Did you just turn that question into a second question?
[HighVisDan]:I think so.
[HighVisCullen]:Right under my right in front of my stupid face. Like,
[HighVisCullen]:what the fuck?
[HighVisDan]:I just, there's aspects of it that I'm like, I'm iffy about, but I still stand by my fail together. I think so.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, you're right, cause you would lose me, and I just don't think that's worth it for anyone. So, I'll, there you go, that's the answer for both of them, they can't afford to lose me. Me on the other hand. I probably answer the same way, unfortunately. Make me sad, you know?
[HighVisDan]:We can lose you.
[HighVisCullen]:You can't lose me.
[HighVisDan]:That's okay.
[HighVisCullen]:You can't.
[HighVisCullen]:Don't lie.
[HighVisDan]:go be go be successful.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, listen.
[HighVisCaden]:Good luck.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen, without me, you'd be... If you lost me right now, you would run out your door all dramatic, the fucking... it's raining and you're slow motion and you slide onto the road and you grip your hands together, look at the sky, you're like, why, God, why? That's what you do. And then you die. You just because you just don't have the will to live anymore. You just lay in the road and get ran over by your son on his three wheeler.
[HighVisDan]:I don't even know how it's possible how a living organism can die from heartbreak, but yes,
[HighVisCullen]:That's what
[HighVisCullen]:you'd find out. Do you want to learn? I'll hang up this call right now.
[HighVisCaden]:You can see Dan
[HighVisCaden]:outside of Cohen's house in the room with a boombox. Maybe come back.
[HighVisCullen]:ha ha!
[HighVisCaden]:Cohen looks out the window and just closed the blinds and just goes back to what he was doing.
[HighVisCullen]:I go, hey, go away you, go away.
[HighVisCaden]:Way, good way
[HighVisDan]:feet finders blowing up. He ain't got time for us.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen, we don't need to talk about the feet finder, okay? Everyone knows I got the pearly toes. Everyone.
[HighVisCaden]:I got caveman feet, so.
[HighVisCullen]:I bet if we ever get a serious amount of listeners, someone's going to be like, was that real?
[HighVisDan]:Can I find him?
[HighVisCullen]:Highly toes
[HighVisCullen]:now on
[HighVisDan]:No more. We're done. Anyway, moving on.
[HighVisCaden]:You guys want a dark one, a really thoughtful one or a funny one?
[HighVisCullen]:I always lean funny because that's what this
[HighVisCullen]:show is supposed to be.
[HighVisCaden]:All right, well, then I'll
[HighVisCaden]:give you guys
[HighVisCaden]:a very
[HighVisCaden]:thoughtful one then.
[HighVisDan]:just wanna know.
[HighVisCaden]:This one make you think now, would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or travel back in time to resolve your biggest regret?
[HighVisCullen]:Biggest wish. Okay, here's a side question. Do any of us actually... Okay, maybe it's a little too personal, but if it is, it's fine. Just ignore me. Does anyone actually have that big of a regret in their
[HighVisCaden]:personal, I'm not answering.
[HighVisDan]:Yes, yeah,
[HighVisCullen]:You do?
[HighVisDan]:I would
[HighVisCaden]:a lot
[HighVisDan]:do that
[HighVisCaden]:of things I regret
[HighVisCullen]:You have a- you
[HighVisCullen]:a- you
[HighVisCullen]:have a s- Yeah, but like a serious one that you like
[HighVisCullen]:really regret enough to change it?
[HighVisCaden]:I don't know if I do or not.
[HighVisDan]:I would give up my current trajectory to go back and alter it to where I know it would be. I would still have exactly what I have now just in a different way.
[HighVisCullen]:You just would have married me instead.
[HighVisDan]:Yikes. Honestly, we never would have met.
[HighVisCullen]:seem like it's
[HighVisCullen]:the risk.
[HighVisDan]:bad. I mean, we might as well just say I would have gone back and made it so I didn't get hurt.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen here.
[HighVisDan]:out of state in
[HighVisCullen]:Thought I stayed in. I would've served my cup. Nevermind.
[HighVisDan]:No. No, and it's not anything like that. There's this shit I wanted to do and it's a lot better now like, I didn't know obviously, that it would be what it is now but working in a factory versus doing that like if you had to just break it down based off just a job, which it will I loved it. But you know, if you're just looking at it as a job, that is so much better than what we do. It's a different world. And you know, it's not for everybody and There are a lot of bad times, but it's so much better.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm just sad because I realized that you said I would have gone back and not got hurt and I missed a golden opportunity to be like, who hurt you Dan?
[HighVisDan]:Points at Abrams saying, get him dad beat him up.
[HighVisCullen]:He said mom's fat.
[HighVisCullen]:I forget what the question was, but it's definitely not regrets. That's my
[HighVisCullen]:answer is whatever the
[HighVisDan]:biggest dream.
[HighVisCullen]:yeah, for sure.
[HighVisCaden]:I'd have to go with my, my biggest dream or my biggest wish.
[HighVisCullen]:Was that your answer, Dan? There's no way
[HighVisCullen]:that's your answer.
[HighVisCullen]:Was it to go back
[HighVisDan]:The trajectory
[HighVisCullen]:and not
[HighVisDan]:my life
[HighVisDan]:would have changed completely. Yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:Who cares?
[HighVisDan]:My biggest dream is to just provide for my family. Like my biggest dream used to be some stupid ass, like wanting to do something big, but now it's like, I want to have a job where I don't mind going to work every day and to provide for my family. Unfortunately, in order for me to not have a job that I hate, I have to go to school and it's hard to find time for that when you're working full time and all that, you know, there's it, it's all that it had been a lot easier to have a job since I already had a job I liked. And just like, if I'm like, Hey, if I want to go do some real cool guy shit, since everybody in my family is already used to me being gone, I can go do that now instead of now. I'm like, ah, if I want a career change, I've got a, I've got a consult 16 people and everybody I owe money to and my bills
[HighVisCullen]:You are the worst.
[HighVisDan]:and excellent.
[HighVisCullen]:You're just the worst.
[HighVisDan]:Thanks bud.
[HighVisCullen]:This is just a terrible answer. It's just terrible. First off, your biggest dream in life is not fulfilling your need, your fatherly duties. Like calm down. That's not accurate. That's not true. Yeah, I put on this earth to give my cut, my fucking son some bread every day and then die
[HighVisDan]:some bread.
[HighVisCullen]:in 60 years. Shut the fuck up.
[HighVisDan]:Whole wheat.
[HighVisCaden]:Listen, Dan just walked out and held a plate with his heart on it, and you just took a cartoonish-sized sledgehammer and just smashed it.
[HighVisDan]:No, no, that that's it's definitely not that personal. I guess it could sound personal. It's really not. I mean, it's
[HighVisDan]:not that big a deal.
[HighVisCullen]:what you're saying is you could have gone to school this other way, or you could have picked to fulfill your biggest dream, which I'd imagine to be something way cooler than having a job that required you to go to college.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, my, ever since I was young, my dream was to do some cool shit. Like
[HighVisDan]:in a cool way that's like, oh, they made a movie about this, but like that shit that you retire after 20 years and you're like, you know, I don't know. Things are just different because of what you've done. It doesn't matter who knows about it.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm just going to say it. It's fucked up. It's fucked
[HighVisCullen]:up because your biggest dream should be that the podcast works and you know, now you're just leaving me and Kayden in the dust. We're just over here. Dan went back to school. It's just highly, highly call it in Kayden, highly CC and just sad.
[HighVisDan]:highly CC.
[HighVisCaden]:Easy, easy.
[HighVisCullen]:That's what you- that's your perfect fucking future, huh? That's-
[HighVisCullen]:that's- that's messed up. I don't like it.
[HighVisDan]:even if
[HighVisDan]:I was,
[HighVisCullen]:a fan.
[HighVisDan]:even when, or if, or whatever, I go to school for another, a change of career path, like if this isn't solid enough for somebody to leave and us to continue to do this, but we're don't work together, then that's kind of a problem, don't you think? I would say
[HighVisCullen]:I'm just...
[HighVisDan]:we're a little bit past that. You're just, you're just afraid. All right.
[HighVisCullen]:afraid of what?
[HighVisDan]:Of change.
[HighVisCullen]:No, I think that's you, friend. You're
[HighVisCullen]:like, I would like my life to be vaguely different.
[HighVisCaden]:Don't let
[HighVisCullen]:mad that I
[HighVisCullen]:don't have a
[HighVisCullen]:boo button.
[HighVisCaden]:If Colin could go back in time, we'd zoom back to where we're at now, there'd be fucking statues of Colin everywhere. Like,
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, it's true.
[HighVisCaden]:you know. Brr, overlord.
[HighVisDan]:Overlord! I brought on this Jake guy.
[HighVisCullen]:We're only
[HighVisDan]:He ruined
[HighVisDan]:everything. Hehehehe
[HighVisCullen]:We're only like five years away from the statues of Overlord Cullen, it's fine.
[HighVisDan]:It's gonna be like Toy Story. You're gonna be a, what's that dude's name? Shit, I done lost it. But me and Kayden are basically gonna be like the duplicate Buzz Lightyear's fighting you.
[HighVisCullen]:Woody? I
[HighVisCullen]:don't know.
[HighVisCaden]:No, yeah,
[HighVisDan]:Zerg, yeah. That's gonna be you. And then when like it's the multiple Buzz Light years, I can't remember which one that is. And one's got like the belt and the blaster and all that, and they all fight. Yeah, that's what's gonna that's how that's gonna go. That landed. Ha ha ha!
[HighVisCullen]:wish I
[HighVisCullen]:had a
[HighVisCullen]:boo button.
[HighVisCullen]:I just want a boo button so bad.
[HighVisCaden]:No, you're not going to have any type of boo button.
[HighVisCullen]:I'll get one.
[HighVisCaden]:Because that would be 80 percent of this podcast and it opens
[HighVisCaden]:your mouth.
[HighVisCaden]:The colon is like.
[HighVisDan]:yeah. But no, okay, so what is, do, okay, so let's dive into that a little bit. What is a
[HighVisDan]:that you want fulfilled? What is it? Because that's probably what you two are picking, right?
[HighVisCaden]:the money is.
[HighVisDan]:Ah, the mayonnaise!
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I'd be fine with just all the monies.
[HighVisCaden]:No, I'd be with I'd be very wealthy with my fiance, which would be my wife at that point. And I have kids and my family's in houses where they like, you know, they want to retire to Florida, whatever they want to do. You know, my kids would be good, you know, secured with money. So that would be my dream.
[HighVisCullen]:That was so insulting to your family.
[HighVisDan]:nothing's good enough
[HighVisDan]:for you, will you shut the fuck?
[HighVisCullen]:listen, shut up, idiot.
[HighVisCaden]:How do you know
[HighVisCaden]:they would've gone to Florida? What the fuck?
[HighVisCullen]:Listen. What I'm saying is. You have all the money in the world and you're only retiring your parents to Florida. Not something way cooler than that. That's sad. That's
[HighVisCaden]:What if they want to go
[HighVisDan]:them off on
[HighVisCullen]:listen, then if I mean,
[HighVisDan]:Be original.
[HighVisCullen]:if they were born dumb, then they're born dumb. There's nothing you can do about it. I get it. But I just figured, you know,
[HighVisCullen]:to like, go to like a ruba or something cooler than that. I don't
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, get
[HighVisDan]:him a Roomba.
[HighVisCaden]:all the money, I'd get a Roomba.
[HighVisDan]:Oh no, that's amazing. ..
[HighVisCullen]:mad. I wanted to, I wanted to hang up this call. That was the most I've ever wanted to hang up a call.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh shit.
[HighVisCullen]:I was just like, no, he doesn't deserve it anymore.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, that's amazing.
[HighVisCullen]:Okay. Jesus. Uh, who was, whose question was that? Was that Cadence?
[HighVisCullen]:Okay. Just wanted to see, I was like, all right, Dan, then you give one if you have one. Wow. What a great,
[HighVisCullen]:podcast this
[HighVisDan]:since you, uh, you guys are talking about money. Well, no, no. Um, let's do this one. This one is a little more interesting. Uh, and I want explanations. They can be short, but, uh, which movie franchise would you rather be stuck in? Uh, I'm changing it a little bit, but that's my interpretation of it. Halloween Friday the 13th, the ring, the grudge, nightmare on Elm street or Texas chainsaw massacre.
[HighVisCullen]:0 for 6, but I've seen none of them. I was
[HighVisCaden]:What is
[HighVisDan]:Are you
[HighVisCullen]:he's got to just say one I've seen, just say one. You didn't,
[HighVisDan]:The Conjuring.
[HighVisCullen]:you didn't. No.
[HighVisDan]:You permanently reside in the parent house.
[HighVisCaden]:Have you
[HighVisCaden]:any scary movies in the eighties, horror films, anything?
[HighVisCullen]:Uh-uh. Oh no, they're super,
[HighVisCullen]:they're corny and there's just, you know, there's a lady with big boobs that has to die and her tits have to be exposed during that time
[HighVisCaden]:in the 80s, that was scary shit. And you're in your movie with
[HighVisCaden]:your popcorn,
[HighVisDan]:are scary!
[HighVisCaden]:like, oh, my God. She's like, oh, so you're popcorn up. That was a thing back then. Everybody threw
[HighVisCaden]:popcorn when they called thrillers, not horror films, I would say. The girl was like limping down the road. Oh, my God. Michael's like. Just like walking behind her. Oh, my God. Run, bitch, like.
[HighVisCaden]:I don't know where I would live. I'd live in, I live in the Friar 13th universe. I'd fuck Michael up, dude.
[HighVisDan]:Wrong. Friday the 13th, Jason.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, yeah. Halloween's Michael.
[HighVisCaden]:you don't know either, fucker.
[HighVisDan]:That's a sin.
[HighVisCullen]:Actually, I did. After he said
[HighVisCullen]:that, I was like, oh, yeah, he's Halloween.
[HighVisCaden]:well, I would say, yeah, Halloween, because I would steer clear of lakes. I would not live in Friday the 13th. Michael, you
[HighVisCaden]:know, it's
[HighVisCaden]:always some town somewhere.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, Haddonfield. Yeah. Like the easiest one in my opinion would be the ring. Like if you just didn't have a VCR, she's, she's screwed. Her
[HighVisDan]:doesn't reach in anyone. Like we moved to DVD, you're done. You ain't haunting shit. uh,
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, I'm sure
[HighVisCaden]:some asshole will, you know, figure out how to convert it to a file on a computer and post it on social media somewhere. And everybody
[HighVisCullen]:be a
[HighVisDan]:be spiteful.
[HighVisCullen]:in no time.
[HighVisDan]:It's gonna be a gif. Gettin' everybody. I would pick, for sure, probably pick... If I am me now, I'd pick probably Texas Chainsaw. because
[HighVisCullen]:D- Jesus.
[HighVisDan]:yeah, I just, I realized just now that I said a small explanation, but because a he's the only one that's not basically immortal and a human. And he's also some inbred hillbilly who has no sense of like tactics or being quiet, or he just res his chainsaw and yells are allowed. So you could like stand across from him with a 308 from a cornfield and just
[HighVisCullen]:I like this guy.
[HighVisCullen]:I like this guy. Sounds cool.
[HighVisDan]:Yep, that'd
[HighVisDan]:be the
[HighVisDan]:one to
[HighVisCaden]:like people in horror movies though?
[HighVisDan]:Oh, yeah. Okay. So to be like, yeah, to do that, I don't know, I would have to say because that's also a very brutal death. If you go to Texas Chainsaw. That's brutal. Michael's probably the fastest in Halloween of those.
[HighVisCaden]:What's that commercial where they're like, they're in a car for like, Oh, it's hiding that, uh,
[HighVisCaden]:that shed with the scary shit with all the tools and stuff. The guy's
[HighVisCaden]:like, what about that running car right there? Are you crazy?
[HighVisDan]:Are you crazy?
[HighVisDan]:about that. Yep. Making all
[HighVisDan]:the best
[HighVisCaden]:I'd hope we're not that dumb in that, that universe.
[HighVisCullen]:I can tell you one thing, we all got big tits, so we're all fucked.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, that's true. Well,
[HighVisDan]:that means
[HighVisCullen]:be exposed, titties in the breeze. Probably the first kill.
[HighVisDan]:Those are the ones that like survive in those movies. Alright, Colin, you got to pick one. I don't even I can't believe you don't know any of them. That's that is I don't know if that's sad. I feel like that's sad.
[HighVisCaden]:is sad.
[HighVisCullen]:Saul, was that an option?
[HighVisDan]:Oh dude, saw? You're done. You're toast. You, on a previous podcast you talked about deleting yourself if the internet goes out permanently. You think you can survive a death trap?
[HighVisCullen]:Is there internet after?
[HighVisDan]:If the Reddit is accessible, then the trial is worth it. I mean,
[HighVisCullen]:right. I got, I got you one.
[HighVisDan]:All right.
[HighVisCullen]:You guys are going to love this one. Would you rather
[HighVisCaden]:this is a good
[HighVisCullen]:the cute
[HighVisCullen]:murder, the cutest puppy to ever exist or, oh wait, you would you rather murder the cutest puppy to ever exist and all of your life problems will be solved or keep that puppy as your pet.
[HighVisCaden]:Holds a puppy.
[HighVisDan]:I don't...
[HighVisCullen]:He's a puppy. It's a puppy. It's a puppy. Like,
[HighVisCullen]:a month. I don't know, two months.
[HighVisCaden]:A month? Yeah, things be gone. I mean, he's going to God real fast.
[HighVisCullen]:Why's your life that bad?
[HighVisCaden]:Just a dog, bro.
[HighVisCullen]:What if you had to- nevermind I'm not gonna say that. Wow. That's fucked up. Okay. Dan, I know you're deranged so I don't even really need
[HighVisCullen]:to ask you.
[HighVisDan]:I mean,
[HighVisCaden]:know you're doing
[HighVisDan]:I would feel
[HighVisDan]:horrible about it. Cause it's just an innocent little puppy, but I, I don't know. It's not going to be my current dog. So it is what it is. All my life problems could be solved. I'll there's, there's definitely an endless of well of therapy out there for that. I'll be fine.
[HighVisCullen]:and you will ignore it all.
[HighVisCullen]:I pick keeping a puppy as a pet. Domo needs a friend.
[HighVisCaden]:You got a cat, bro?
[HighVisCullen]:Cats trash.
[HighVisDan]:Cat's trash.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah. Was that Friday or Thursday? You asked me, Colin.
[HighVisCullen]:Um, I think it was, I think it was Thursday.
[HighVisCaden]:He's like, hey bro, you want a cat? I was like, why? He's like, you know, Cullen just got a brand new iPad. He's like, everywhere in the house, this cat could have puked. It decided to puke on my
[HighVisCaden]:new iPad.
[HighVisCaden]:Like, nah,
[HighVisCaden]:I don't want that problem.
[HighVisDan]:That's rough.
[HighVisCullen]:I wanted she I wanted her to be a shed kitty. I
[HighVisCullen]:it was like I'm just gonna give her some food out there Give her a little hole to crawl through she live outside but Unfortunately, I actually like the cat so even though she sucks
[HighVisCaden]:She's like, oh, this is new. Let me just peek on this.
[HighVisCullen]:Thanks, Kat.
[HighVisCaden]:Was it just on the screen or was it like?
[HighVisCullen]:was on the corner of the screen and I had just put my case on so there was like three layers
[HighVisCullen]:that at
[HighVisCullen]:I didn't have to clean it so I'm assuming it was it was quite bad. I asked the question, right? So you guys are puppy killers and I'm not? Okay. So let's write that down. Let's tweet that out. Dan Kaden love murdering puppies. Call in known puppy lover. Who's next? Is it Kayden?
[HighVisCaden]:Um, would you rather have permanently bad breath or have all the people around you with the, with bad breath. So either you're giving it or smelling it.
[HighVisCullen]:So, one of the things is one I already deal with, and the other one's me having bad breath. I think, uh...
[HighVisCullen]:I'm just gonna stick with my current life and stay away from you stinky fucks.
[HighVisDan]:Uh huh, that's who you're talking about.
[HighVisCullen]:I wasn't talking about anyone specific, it's called sarcasm. Uh, do you ever
[HighVisCullen]:heard of it?
[HighVisCaden]:No, there we
[HighVisDan]:is. Um I mean, I barely talk like excessively anyway at work and shit. So I think that'll be fine. I'll do that.
[HighVisCullen]:I sure, small child. Uh, yeah, I think I'm gonna let you guys all have stinky breath. Cause like, I don't talk close to people.
[HighVisDan]:It's true.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm close
[HighVisDan]:is a.
[HighVisCullen]:enough to you to smell your breath, then something's
[HighVisDan]:I agree with that. I definitely don't. I don't even like people getting up to me to talk like that. That's not something I enjoy.
[HighVisCaden]:all know
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, you're next.
[HighVisCaden]:that one teacher, and like, yeah, you see, you see, you gotta take the two and carry it over the five.
[HighVisDan]:Just like right here
[HighVisCaden]:Just like, stop talking,
[HighVisDan]:You think you've got it bad his asses and some other kids face next to you
[HighVisCaden]:That's true.
[HighVisDan]:yeah, that's
[HighVisCullen]:Guarantee you one listener could just smell your breath from that guaranteed. What else can be like?
[HighVisDan]:That's rough.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, you're up.
[HighVisDan]:Here's something that, uh, that me and my wife go through daily. Um, and it transfers, which end you're on, would you rather have to repeat everything 1000 times to unders would you rather have to have things repeated a thousand times each to understand it completely or have to repeat yourself a thousand times to everyone to be understood?
[HighVisCullen]:Those are both dreams for Kaden, because Kaden is the king of retelling stories, so... Either one of those works pretty well for him. He's like, well, I gotta tell him a thousand times. Either
[HighVisCaden]:Listen, bud.
[HighVisDan]:Listen, there it is.
[HighVisCaden]:I just forget when I tell you things.
[HighVisCullen]:Well, listen,
[HighVisCaden]:you gotta
[HighVisCaden]:already told me that, Kayden.
[HighVisCullen]:at least 12 times. I do.
[HighVisCaden]:Hmm. Well, you
[HighVisCaden]:them all, don't you?
[HighVisCullen]:And you get and you get sad now
[HighVisCaden]:Do you remember them all?
[HighVisCullen]:because I'm like, brother, you've told me that four fucking times. What was the question?
[HighVisDan]:Have things
[HighVisDan]:re- Okay,
[HighVisCullen]:I pick neither.
[HighVisDan]:well that can't be done. Uh, you just had us murder a puppy. Like,
[HighVisCullen]:I didn't make you pick
[HighVisCullen]:the fucking
[HighVisCullen]:I didn't make you pick the demon choice. You did that willingly.
[HighVisDan]:have to have things repeated 1000 times to understand it or be repeat yourself 1000 times to be understood.
[HighVisCaden]:I don't have something repeated to me, I think.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I think that's
[HighVisDan]:would sit there, if someone's like, if you're ever like, wait, how does that work? And they're like, you turn it on, you turn it on, you turn it on, you turn it on, you turn it on. Like, an hour and a half sitting at the Apple Genius Bar or whatever. Oh man. That'd be rough.
[HighVisCullen]:Um, could I just like record their voice
[HighVisDan]:I was about to say that.
[HighVisCullen]:and then like put it on like four times speed and just listen to it for like, I don't know, 20 minutes and then be done. I think
[HighVisDan]:I don't know. There's definitely
[HighVisCullen]:that's how I
[HighVisCullen]:do that. Could you imagine how many jobs you get fired from?
[HighVisDan]:That would be amazing. Well,
[HighVisCullen]:trying to work it some way and they're like you got to cut the bread you got to cut you got cut the bread if you've made literally a hundred and two people's sandwiches and You're still looking over your manager every time after you grab the bed. You're like What do I do now?
[HighVisCaden]:a good point.
[HighVisDan]:it's kind of, would you rather that conundrum, it go both ways. You have to have it explained to you a thousand times and have to explain yourself a thousand times every time. Or if you had to pick that or become blind and hard of hearing permanently. With no shortcuts.
[HighVisCullen]:So I just- so I'm just fucking alone in the world. Got it.
[HighVisDan]:I mean, that's you now.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm Helen Keller.
[HighVisDan]:like, you could still pod. You could throw headphones up and dial it all the way up and you'd hear us whispering to you while we scream. Cause it's hard of hearing, not deaf.
[HighVisCullen]:That just sounds terrible, I think I take the first option.
[HighVisCaden]:I take the former.
[HighVisDan]:I would really love to mess with you if you couldn't see. That'd be awesome. I would rearrange everything constantly.
[HighVisCullen]:Wow, Dan. Way to be problematic on the pod.
[HighVisDan]:It's all good.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan likes me. Never mind. I'm not going to say it. You guys
[HighVisCullen]:come to the conclusion yourself. Because you're gross. Did everyone answer that? Kayden? Kayden,
[HighVisCullen]:you said the first thing. Dan,
[HighVisCullen]:you say?
[HighVisDan]:Uh, the first part, I'd definitely, uh, rather have them repeat to me a thousand times because I can just, like, I don't know, not listen.
[HighVisCullen]:I feel like that doesn't count if you're not listening.
[HighVisDan]:Well, I just don't need to understand it then. Bye God. I got through 29 years without learning this information.
[HighVisCullen]:Do you have to be explained how to breathe?
[HighVisDan]:That'd be awesome.
[HighVisCullen]:You got to hold your breath
[HighVisDan]:The doctor's
[HighVisDan]:just sitting
[HighVisDan]:there yelling
[HighVisDan]:at a newborn.
[HighVisCullen]:minutes. Yes. If you can't hold your breath for 17 minutes, you're a goner. There's a very limited amount of people in the world.
[HighVisCullen]:We never
[HighVisCaden]:breathe though. That's some scary shit. It just freaking out
[HighVisCaden]:because you don't know what to do.
[HighVisCullen]:If you start thinking about it, you forget how to.
[HighVisDan]:That is amazing.
[HighVisCullen]:Think about yourself breathing right now. Think about how you're breathing, and you're just gonna be like, wait, what? How do I do it? Ha, ha, ha. Okay. I guess it's my turn. Shit. Heck, I'm
[HighVisCaden]:Maybe this might be the
[HighVisCullen]:rather have a hand where your penis should be or have penises where your hands should be? Mic drop.
[HighVisDan]:mess. You thought that was worth it?
[HighVisCullen]:Would you rather have a hand where your penis should be, or have penises where your hand should be?
[HighVisCaden]:Mmm. So either, either three dicks
[HighVisCullen]:All hands
[HighVisCullen]:are all dicks.
[HighVisCaden]:all hands.
[HighVisCullen]:Yes, all hands are all dicks.
[HighVisCaden]:to hands because you couldn't function anymore.
[HighVisCullen]:I just like to think about like going to shake someone's hand and they're expecting a hand and it's a penis.
[HighVisCaden]:a floppy dick just here man. That's going.
[HighVisCullen]:I made a choice, I'm sorry.
[HighVisCaden]:I guess slap would be much more insulting that way as well.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh yeah,
[HighVisCullen]:Probably more painful. Well, depending.
[HighVisDan]:For you, yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:For Caiden, probably wouldn't really feel it. That was a good joke. Thank you, people. So yeah, I pick
[HighVisCaden]:say to that. I
[HighVisCaden]:to think
[HighVisCaden]:of something
[HighVisDan]:a way
[HighVisCaden]:to say.
[HighVisDan]:We need to remove his permissions to the silent board.
[HighVisCullen]:I pick hands.
[HighVisCaden]:what I said. This guy wants to have a boo button.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, right. Yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:Why you saying you say boo button weird?
[HighVisCullen]:too aggressive.
[HighVisCullen]:You say it so no.
[HighVisCaden]:Boo button.
[HighVisCullen]:Stop it.
[HighVisCullen]:So yeah, hands. Hands is final choice. Dan, what's your final choice?
[HighVisDan]:Hands, yeah. I have one and I think it would be kind of funny. It'll probably flop, but I didn't know if Kaden had one.
[HighVisCaden]:Uh, go for it.
[HighVisCaden]:I'm not, I'm not prepared.
[HighVisDan]:I know it's all good. Um, what would you rather happen after your death? New game plus spectate mode or next level.
[HighVisCullen]:New game plus.
[HighVisCaden]:And again,
[HighVisDan]:new game plus I agree with that the fucking new game looking at it as new game. And it's just a funny way to look at it. Cause we all knew exactly what it pertained to. You know what I mean? But I've never heard it explained that way, but I'm like, to be able to relive my life with what I know now would be amazing and then spectate, you're just this ghost floating around, watching your loved ones move on and then next level is. Well for us, it's going to be warm, but.
[HighVisCullen]:I think, uh,
[HighVisDan]:New game plus, that's awesome.
[HighVisCullen]:I just like to think that next level was like a different universe and
[HighVisCullen]:a different life
[HighVisDan]:well, yeah,
[HighVisCullen]:reincarnation, not
[HighVisDan]:that would
[HighVisDan]:be New Game Plus, just without
[HighVisDan]:the memory wipe.
[HighVisCullen]:no reincarnation. Like it could be, you could be anything. You could be a cow. Like you don't
[HighVisCullen]:what the next
[HighVisDan]:to be
[HighVisDan]:a cow. That would suck
[HighVisCullen]:You already
[HighVisCullen]:are. Poor guy. Yeah, definitely New Game Plus. What'd they, reliving
[HighVisDan]:Would you?
[HighVisCullen]:your life with knowing everything you know. That would have to be so cool. You'd win. That's probably how
[HighVisCullen]:billionaires become billionaires.
[HighVisDan]:that's true. You got one?
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah. Would you rather be itchy forever or sticky forever?
[HighVisCullen]:Oh god, sticky.
[HighVisDan]:Like all over?
[HighVisDan]:Ooh, ah. Man, that's just
[HighVisCullen]:just in his office like Peter Parker when he first gets the powers and everything, you stick it to him, he's like, what the fuck?
[HighVisDan]:That would be trash.
[HighVisCullen]:breaking keyboards.
[HighVisDan]:I'd have to...
[HighVisCaden]:Would you rather be Poison Ivy man or, or
[HighVisDan]:sticky would be less
[HighVisDan]:I would feel like, yeah, I'd have to pick that.
[HighVisDan]:I'd live in those like long sleeve athletic shirts or whatever.
[HighVisCullen]:Can I just be, can I just be Spider-Man?
[HighVisCullen]:Spider-Man sticky. But he is.
[HighVisCaden]:Hands are sticky.
[HighVisCaden]:Everything sticky.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, that's fine. I could crawl up the webs with my fucking knees. I don't know. Or the webs, the walls.
[HighVisCaden]:or you'd be stuck to the wall.
[HighVisDan]:If you're that damn sticky, I think like you're like, you'll, you're going to mess around and like have your hand touch something one time. And you're just there. Like you're either going to destroy this property or.
[HighVisCaden]:And you go like this and you're like, oh, you
[HighVisCaden]:grab like this, you're like, oh, and then you're stuck like.
[HighVisCullen]:You rip your hand off and it takes all your skin off and you're just a skeleton man? You just turn into Ghost Rider? I get to be two superheroes? That's pretty sick.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I pick sticky.
[HighVisDan]:You got one?
[HighVisCaden]:I agree with, I take sticky as well.
[HighVisDan]:Itchy is
[HighVisDan]:just a consistent.
[HighVisCullen]:itchy is just the worst.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, it's terrible. Especially all over. That would be fucking unbearable.
[HighVisCaden]:All right. Would you rather drink a gallon of mayonnaise or a gallon of ketchup?
[HighVisDan]:Oh, God.
[HighVisCaden]:and catch it probably easier,
[HighVisCullen]:How do you
[HighVisCaden]:I think.
[HighVisCullen]:drink mayonnaise? I don't think you can drink mayonnaise. I think you have to spoon mayonnaise, but you could probably drink ketchup.
[HighVisCaden]:OK, spoon, a fucking gallon of ketchup or spoon, a gallon of mayonnaise.
[HighVisCullen]:I was just
[HighVisDan]:neither is top
[HighVisCullen]:you had to drink it through a straw, you imagine how long it would take you to drink a gallon of mayo.
[HighVisDan]:get you a milkshake straw.
[HighVisCullen]:Your muscles on your forehead would be so defined.
[HighVisDan]:I think your arteries would give out long before that happened.
[HighVisCullen]:We're well on the way there, friend. It's okay.
[HighVisDan]:That's fair. I
[HighVisDan]:have to...
[HighVisDan]:That's terrible.
[HighVisCaden]:I think ketchup would probably be easier, but all the sugar. Probably
[HighVisDan]:Well that, yeah,
[HighVisCaden]:cardiac arrest before you finish it.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, I have to say probably the ketchup, but man, neither is a good choice.
[HighVisCullen]:guy half and half it. Can I mayo chop this bitch?
[HighVisDan]:What do they call that in step brothers? Secret sauce or some stuff?
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, something
[HighVisDan]:I can't.
[HighVisCullen]:like that. I'm in, that's what my plan is. Oh, I don't have to, you know, get a little change of pace in there.
[HighVisCaden]:Ready for another one?
[HighVisCullen]:Sure. I didn't know if anyone else had anything else to say.
[HighVisCaden]:All right. Would you rather have your farts be very loud and smell like nothing or quiet and smell horrible?
[HighVisCullen]:loud because loud farts are funny.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, loud has the comedic value and no stink is also cool too. I was gonna say silent would be good because you can just rip that shit anywhere and just look around but I don't know. Yeah, I
[HighVisDan]:I do loud.
[HighVisCaden]:in a middle of a fucking meeting and he just like, everybody's like, oh, what the? Everybody's
[HighVisCaden]:like, you'd
[HighVisCaden]:be like,
[HighVisDan]:in the
[HighVisDan]:Who did this to us?
[HighVisCaden]:Who did this?
[HighVisCullen]:I just like to think about if you're the loud fart guy, you just start ripping ass all the time in front of people and eventually they learn that you have the nastiest farts ever, like sound-wise, but then they never spell and they just think it's like a cool party trick.
[HighVisCullen]:You get credit that way.
[HighVisCaden]:I got one to make you cringe. That's what I just cringed about. Would you rather pull out your own thumbnail with a fork or put a toothpick under your toes and kick a wall?
[HighVisCullen]:you say these things?
[HighVisCaden]:Dude, that's...
[HighVisCullen]:We just lost
[HighVisCullen]:12 listeners. All
[HighVisCullen]:12 of them.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, God, I don't know.
[HighVisDan]:Thumbnail with a fork for sure.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I think so.
[HighVisCullen]:are- I don't wanna pick.
[HighVisCaden]:a, kick
[HighVisCullen]:I refuse
[HighVisCaden]:a wall
[HighVisCullen]:to pick.
[HighVisCaden]:under your toe.
[HighVisDan]:Cause you're, you're just fucking destroying your life at that point. You're
[HighVisCullen]:I object.
[HighVisDan]:you got a toothpick shoved into the wick of your toenail and your, Oh fuck. Yeah. I I'll dig a fork in the wick of my thumb and I'll move on with my day. The foot one, that's
[HighVisCaden]:It'd be
[HighVisDan]:a mess.
[HighVisCaden]:with a pair of pliers, but like with a
[HighVisDan]:a fork
[HighVisCaden]:And then you
[HighVisDan]:brutal. But hey, I mean,
[HighVisCaden]:a plastic
[HighVisDan]:choose that.
[HighVisCaden]:fork. Then every time it breaks, you got to get a new one.
[HighVisDan]:That's that's I'd still pick the phone.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh man, you mentioned kicking a wall with a toothpick
[HighVisCaden]:under your
[HighVisDan]:I'm good.
[HighVisDan]:Because either way, that toenail's got to come off again as well.
[HighVisDan]:And that toothpick's going to cause more damage than, oh, man, fuck, yeah, I'm good. I'll do the fort.
[HighVisCullen]:I object the question entirely.
[HighVisDan]:Pick one, coward.
[HighVisCaden]:Pick one.
[HighVisDan]:Diet on a hill.
[HighVisCullen]:I object.
[HighVisDan]:B- Heheheheh B- Heheheheh B-
[HighVisCullen]:Why are you smacking your table? Why do you do
[HighVisDan]:I love it. I like it. Yeah, just bebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebe
[HighVisCullen]:that? That's not,
[HighVisCullen]:a real,
[HighVisCaden]:be fucking
[HighVisCaden]:spamming the button.
[HighVisCullen]:it's not the real, but it's not a real, but it's just a click of the mouse.
[HighVisDan]:Did you pick AIM?
[HighVisCaden]:Uh, yeah, be, uh, my fork with the nail,
[HighVisDan]:though, yep.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, I'm kicking the shit out of that wall.
[HighVisCullen]:Let's see if we got anything else.
[HighVisDan]:I got,
[HighVisCaden]:is it
[HighVisDan]:would you, uh, which permanent upgrade would you rather have? Never have to use the bathroom again. Never have to eat or drink or never have to bathe. I feel like the bathed one's kind of cheap, but whatever.
[HighVisCullen]:I think the bathe
[HighVisCaden]:Just because you
[HighVisCaden]:to, does it mean you can't?
[HighVisDan]:No, you're just permanently clean, fresh and clean. You have unlimited energy. You don't have to eat or drink, or you never have to use the restroom again.
[HighVisCullen]:Eat or drink.
[HighVisDan]:That's what I pick.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, me too.
[HighVisDan]:That the bathroom one, that one's close, but either
[HighVisDan]:drink just has so many more uses like
[HighVisCullen]:don't eat
[HighVisCullen]:or drink, why would you have to go to the bathroom?
[HighVisDan]:I guess that's true. Well, I guess
[HighVisDan]:I mean,
[HighVisCullen]:I get two.
[HighVisDan]:That's fair, though. They didn't consider that when they made it and I didn't consider it. He said it. That's a good point. Anyway, that was just a quick one I had.
[HighVisCullen]:You just still have to go to the bathroom at the same rates as before for no reason.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, right. Maybe your body just still produces waste
[HighVisCullen]:What am
[HighVisDan]:or whatever.
[HighVisCullen]:I pissing out? I got one more. We got five minutes.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, gross one.
[HighVisCullen]:Would you rather live half a year with an ostrich? You would have to take him with you everywhere you go, shopping, working, and so on. Or would you sleep one year without a blanket?
[HighVisCaden]:No blanket.
[HighVisDan]:I can't
[HighVisCullen]:You don't want
[HighVisCullen]:to be homies
[HighVisCullen]:with an ostrich?
[HighVisDan]:that's I was about to say that how much I would flex with this ostrich.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan's driving
[HighVisCullen]:to work with the ostrich in the bed of his truck every day.
[HighVisDan]:that ostrich will have pet vipers.
[HighVisCullen]:stop it. We're not being a pit viper podcast. We're not doing that.
[HighVisDan]:The ostrich is, Colin. Let it live its life.
[HighVisCullen]:He's a pit viper ostrich.
[HighVisDan]:And I'm gonna name him Travis, so he's an extradouche.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh no.
[HighVisCullen]:Dear God, does he drive a Jeep Wrangler?
[HighVisDan]:Yes and wears tap out shirts.
[HighVisCullen]:an ostrich in a tap out shirt now that's something you don't want to see that's the shit of nightmares you see that you know your life's coming to an end
[HighVisDan]:That's right.
[HighVisCaden]:to the bed that guy does fucking MMA bro.
[HighVisCullen]:I bet that guy's mom
[HighVisCullen]:had $5
[HighVisCaden]:knows how
[HighVisCullen]:he was
[HighVisCaden]:me in
[HighVisCullen]:Ah, shit.
[HighVisDan]:Other than the jokes though, I would honestly probably pick the blank. I could take or leave a blanket anyway.
[HighVisCullen]:No, you couldn't. Try sleeping for a week without a blanket. I bet you would be like, this fucking blows. Do it, Dan.
[HighVisDan]:I hate to be the I hate to be this guy, but I have. It's not that
[HighVisDan]:The field, Cullen.
[HighVisCullen]:the field.
[HighVisDan]:You have an isomat. And you have a baby sack if you want to use it. But.
[HighVisCullen]:So, uh, before we wrap up here, I had a suggestion, and I'm gonna suggest it here so everyone can see that you guys are all fucking cowards
[HighVisCullen]:if you
[HighVisDan]:don't want
[HighVisDan]:to do it.
[HighVisCullen]:me up on my offer. So I was thinking to get some viewership, whatnot, we could do a weight loss contest.
[HighVisCullen]:And the winner gets to keep his shirt on during that episode, and the other two have to be shirtless.
[HighVisDan]:I love it. I'm in.
[HighVisCullen]:So although I thought I was also like, well, if one of us lost enough weight, like he'd probably want to have his shirt off for that one. And the other two had to keep their shirt on.
[HighVisDan]:Well, I mean, it's going to be like this. It's not like you have a full frame anyway.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh no, I think if we do that, we gotta go back to Discord for one. Just like one episode so you can see the titties.
[HighVisDan]:So you can see the titties. Okay, I'm in.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I'm also in. Be real
[HighVisCullen]:if I lose.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm be real sad if I lose.
[HighVisDan]:do you, you're going to, what's, just so we're all clear, we all just agreed to this, right?
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I'm in.
[HighVisDan]:Okay. What's the stipulations? Do we have rules yet? Or is this something you just concocted?
[HighVisCullen]:something I thought of.
[HighVisDan]:Like is there a time frame you've got or no?
[HighVisCullen]:I was thinking like a decent timeframe, not like a couple of weeks or anything, like, you know, three, four or five, six months, something like that.
[HighVisCullen]:Like an
[HighVisCullen]:amount of time.
[HighVisDan]:I mean,
[HighVisDan]:hell. Let
[HighVisCullen]:fucking if-
[HighVisDan]:me go make some Taki Bell Trips first before we start
[HighVisCullen]:I was
[HighVisDan]:get our
[HighVisCullen]:so I'm saying if you, just if you start weak, then like also just the longer it is, like, it's not like Kayden can just not drink water for two days and then show up to the weigh in and be like, her beefcake.
[HighVisCullen]:Like when he's been eating Taco Bell the whole time.
[HighVisDan]:I just got medication to fix my feet and sedan's back or we'll be back to running.
[HighVisCaden]:dance back.
[HighVisDan]:I haven't ran since February. Man, this shit's trash. But yeah, I'm ready for it. I'm all about it.
[HighVisCullen]:You've ran from the healing process, Daniel.
[HighVisDan]:I don't run from the Lord. Um, uh,
[HighVisCullen]:Alright, so we're all
[HighVisCullen]:in. We can
[HighVisCullen]:discuss the specifics and we can tell the people on the next episode or something.
[HighVisDan]:I love this. This is awesome.
[HighVisCullen]:So, see we got anything they need to, they want to tell the viewers before we leave.
[HighVisDan]:Thanks for hanging out with us.
[HighVisDan]:I knew it. God, I knew it.
[HighVisCaden]:was waiting for it.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, God.
[HighVisCullen]:Alright guys, thanks for listening, goodbye,
[HighVisCullen]:we love
[HighVisDan]:Thank you.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh, thank you. You're too kind.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh my God. You're so sweet.
[HighVisDan]:This is
[HighVisDan]:we need the boo.