Highly Visible
3 friends trying to escape the employment trap by bringing you the greatness of their conversations. From commentary on current events and conspiracy theories to philosophy and buck hunting you will spend countless hours blowing off work and your family to hear what hot takes and pithy statements flow effortlessly from the mouths of our fine team.
Highly Visible
23. Top 5 Wing Sauces
This week the guys talk about the heavy hitting stuff. They get down to the nitty gritty on topics that really matter. We can't speak for everyone, but here in Ohio few things are more important than wings. How do you like them, what sauce, bone-in or boneless? These tough, thought provoking questions will be answered for your amusement. Featuring our very first sponsor! You won't want to miss this one.
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Let me get your soundboard ready, bud. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Highly Visible Podcast. Today, we're going down a road of sauces. What kind of wing sauce you like? I'm going to be your sauce enthusiast for your wings today. You know, because I have the top five, and my top five is way better than Colin and Dan's. No offense, Dan. Fuck you, Colin. Anyway, all right. I guess we're doing a snake draft again, because Cohen is addicted to snake drafts apparently so.
[HighVisCaden]:You are addicted to snake drafts.
[HighVisCullen]:That's the worst reason to go to rehab ever.
[HighVisCaden]:This is a snake trap, man. I can't stop.
[HighVisCullen]:I just have the ESPN mock trap simulator up on my phone all the time.
[HighVisCaden]:All right, who wants to start? We go in order by
[HighVisCaden]:the screen
[HighVisCaden]:or no.
[HighVisCullen]:listen. Oh, slow down. All right. Slow down.
[HighVisCaden]:No, no,
[HighVisCaden]:because I'm going to get my first pick out there.
[HighVisCullen]:You know, a thing happened this week. It was it was the 4th of July, and I just wanted to see if you guys did anything. Did anything you want to talk about?
[HighVisCaden]:I got shit faced. I got really drunk. Yeah. Watched fireworks and didn't remember half of them.
[HighVisCullen]:That doesn't sound like a very good time.
[HighVisCaden]:It was very fun, actually.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, what'd you do with your day away?
[HighVisDan]:I did yard work for America.
[HighVisCaden]:What a good American.
[HighVisDan]:That's right.
[HighVisCullen]:is real you did the artwork on the 4th of July
[HighVisCullen]:that's not true we all know you broke out the Budweiser tank top and you just fucking sat on your front porch and smoked fucking cigarettes all day and drank a bunch of alcohols and I'm gonna stop with that because I had a bad thing that I was gonna say
[HighVisDan]:There you go. I put up six full American flags out front of my house. It got to the point to where like the life flight helicopters were calling and telling us that we had to take stuff down. Um, no, I did yard work. Um, I don't really, we did our fourth of July festivities with the in-laws earlier, like in the week, and I don't really do anything with my family anymore. So Completely forgot about fireworks and my mom ended up taking my, one of my kids to go watch them because it was a last minute thing and yeah, it was pretty simple.
[HighVisCaden]:I'm glad the live
[HighVisCaden]:flight thing was a joke. I just imagined live flights like, where do we land? These giant American flags right there. Is this where we land?
[HighVisDan]:You land in freedom. That's where you
[HighVisCullen]:Like, so in your two's brains, you think that these helicopters are looking for American flags to know to land?
[HighVisDan]:You don't want them to land in another country, do you?
[HighVisCullen]:I mean no, but that doesn't make sense.
[HighVisDan]:I know.
[HighVisCullen]:You don't make sense, Dan.
[HighVisDan]:I'm not proud of what I just did.
[HighVisDan]:That joke. Will you? Anyway, what's your number one?
[HighVisCullen]:Okay, so before we get back into the wings, since you guys are being a bunch
[HighVisCullen]:of fucking...
[HighVisCaden]:ho. What did you do, Cullen?
[HighVisCullen]:Uh, I saw a barf's game go barfs. I had a hot dog that was really good. It had a bun with lay dog inside. And then
[HighVisCullen]:on top of lay dog was some pimento, mac and cheese and bacon and fruit loops, and it was really good.
[HighVisCullen]:You wouldn't think it would. You'd think it'd be terrible, but it was good.
[HighVisDan]:Hit him with it. I can't touch it. That was amazing.
[HighVisCaden]:Uh, everything
[HighVisCullen]:That was fun.
[HighVisCaden]:but the fruit loop sounds like really good.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, I did see your
[HighVisCullen]:I mean
[HighVisDan]:post about that and you said that it was surprisingly good.
[HighVisCullen]:It was very good actually, yes. You couldn't really taste the Froot Loops most of the time. Then I went one bite, I was like, I'm just gonna take all these from the bottom, put it on top, and then I got a bunch of Froot Loops in that bite, and it was actually really good.
[HighVisCaden]:So they're all on top or what?
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah. Yeah, it's the last thing that goes on.
[HighVisCaden]:So, so was like the roof of your mouth just destroyed after that or no?
[HighVisCullen]:No, that's Captain Crunch.
[HighVisCaden]:kind of...
[HighVisDan]:cereal. Yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:Nah, it's just Captain Crunch. It's like the little square boys in the Captain Crunch that really mess up your
[HighVisCullen]:mouth. Actually,
[HighVisCullen]:I think the circle ones might do it too.
[HighVisCaden]:I have tons of experience sitting at home as a kid on a Saturday or day off school with my box of whatever and just shoveling dry cereal into my mouth and integrating it all day.
[HighVisDan]:Yelling at your cat. No case by serial. No.
[HighVisDan]:That's right.
[HighVisCullen]:I bet I can name a few other things you did that day, but we're not gonna talk about that anyway. Today, we're talking about wings. Kayden, it was your idea. What's the order?
[HighVisCaden]:Um, do you just want to go? How's your guys screen? It's me, Callum and Dan.
[HighVisCullen]:It reminds
[HighVisCullen]:you than Dan.
[HighVisCaden]:um, let's flip a coin. I mean, we got three sided.
[HighVisDan]:Plus, I...
[HighVisCullen]:It's simple, just answer the question, it doesn't matter.
[HighVisCaden]:Dan, you, and then me. We'll do that.
[HighVisCullen]:and call in typing is hard.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, right down.
[HighVisDan]:Reddit, yeah. Take all the notes.
[HighVisCullen]:Okay. Well that means that Daniel is up to bat first.
[HighVisDan]:All right. Who's ready to kick a field goal right into the hockey ball net?
[HighVisCaden]:I need to know
[HighVisCaden]:if these sauces are with or without a tasty beverage.
[HighVisCullen]:No, none. I don't drink while I eat wings. Don't drink anything. I refuse. I must be parched to partake in boneless
[HighVisDan]:must be barged.
[HighVisDan]:Well, here's
[HighVisDan]:a question.
[HighVisCaden]:room in my stomach for liquid.
[HighVisCullen]:Unless it's
[HighVisCaden]:skin and chicken meat. Okay.
[HighVisDan]:or either review a like a ranch or blue cheese or anything like that.
[HighVisCaden]:all the way.
[HighVisCullen]:There's only one answer.
[HighVisDan]:I figured you'd be the, nah, well, we don't have a blue cheese enthusiast anymore, so we're safe. But so we can all just assume that sensible picks will be made. All
[HighVisDan]:because there is some, some wings that are really good by themselves and somewhere like ranch kicks the flavor up like to the next level.
[HighVisCullen]:You need
[HighVisCullen]:on wings no matter what. Every single
[HighVisDan]:Not true.
[HighVisCullen]:wing. It doesn't even matter. If you got ranch covered wings, you need a side of ranch to dip your ranch wings in. You need
[HighVisDan]:Ohio through and through.
[HighVisCaden]:Kellen goes
[HighVisCaden]:to B-Dub's and orders wings and like, yeah, could I just get a tub of ranch dressing, please? So he's
[HighVisDan]:dry wings.
[HighVisCaden]:no more. You can't see the sauce. It's just caked in the ranch.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I got I got a little some little tongs here that I grab it with and just dip them all the way in.
[HighVisDan]:That's just not good. I mean.
[HighVisCullen]:Let it marinate in there for a second. That's good. What do you mean that's not good? That's literally perfect. That's exactly what I do. He thought it
[HighVisCullen]:was a joke, but it's
[HighVisDan]:the point of the originally
[HighVisCullen]:I get
[HighVisDan]:sauce? So, my...
[HighVisCaden]:You might get a sauce if you're just gonna just drown it in ranch.
[HighVisDan]:That's my point, just get dry wings and just dip them in ranch.
[HighVisCullen]:I get both tastes.
[HighVisCullen]:I don't
[HighVisCullen]:ranch, I
[HighVisCullen]:get ranch and whatever else I got. You shut up. You don't know.
[HighVisDan]:I guess not.
[HighVisCullen]:You don't- Listen. Just because you're a communist doesn't mean I have to be a communist, so leave me alone.
[HighVisCullen]:Are you going to make a pick or you, you know,
[HighVisCullen]:this is
[HighVisDan]:I'm just,
[HighVisCullen]:a, this is a, this is a podcast, not a,
[HighVisDan]:can we keep
[HighVisCullen]:not a
[HighVisCullen]:live stream.
[HighVisDan]:together here? Gentlemen to the fray. My number one pick of all time is, my most favorite is a hot barbecue, and B-Dub's in my opinion did the best, but they don't have it anymore. It was called hot barbecue. It's basically delicious smoky barbecue flavor that'll light you on fire. It was pretty hot, but it was so good. But it's one of them ones that it's really good by itself. But if you did decide to, you know, defile it with ranch, you wouldn't regret it. It just only emphasized it's good flavor. Yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:is one of them ones the worst phrase that has ever been uttered.
[HighVisDan]:What? One
[HighVisCullen]:it's one of them ones. What does that even mean?
[HighVisDan]:Is that what I said?
[HighVisCullen]:Yes. What does
[HighVisCullen]:even mean?
[HighVisDan]:are taking over.
[HighVisCaden]:it is one of those other ones.
[HighVisDan]:That's right,
[HighVisDan]:of them ones.
[HighVisCullen]:Thank you for the translation.
[HighVisCullen]:to Walmart and Cookie Monster pajamas. That's what it means.
[HighVisDan]:I can't.
[HighVisCaden]:You'd probably fit in with the rest
[HighVisCaden]:of the awesome people there.
[HighVisCullen]:in and he's like, I am among my people.
[HighVisDan]:I bring my own fleas to Walmart. I don't need none of theirs.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh my god.
[HighVisCullen]:All right. I guess that means that it's me. And so there's one that I think is like the number one, like probably consensus number one for most people. And then there's my favorite. So I'm just going to go with my favorite. I'm not going to pander to the people.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, it's a snake draft. Idiot.
[HighVisDan]:You better get the good ones out. Cause I know somebody's going to defile this whole list with the worst one.
[HighVisDan]:And it's,
[HighVisDan]:it's decisive, divisive.
[HighVisCullen]:No, I'm choosing to pick my favorite, not what I think everyone else's favorite is. That's what I'm saying. So... My favorite.
[HighVisDan]:we wait
[HighVisCullen]:need... Asian zing also known as sweet heat also known as sweet Thai chili also known as a different name at every single wing place. It is the best. It is my favorite. As long as there's actually some sweetness to it. It's not just hot when it's just hot. I'm just like, okay, well, why did you call it this? This is you just this is false advertising. I should sue you.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, but it's not sweet. Well, sometimes you get speed ups is weird. It has like, sometimes I feel like the bottle has a little bit too much of one ingredient and it's actually sweet or it's really hot and it's like never. What it's supposed to be.
[HighVisDan]:A lot of the time, like you got, it kind of just seems like they didn't mix it well before applying it.
[HighVisCullen]:That could be.
[HighVisDan]:You know what
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, absolutely.
[HighVisDan]:I mean? We have to ask Jake, he used to work out there, but I might as well just brought my wife onto this podcast. I didn't realize it was going to be.
[HighVisCullen]:What is Dingo 3 like Asian zing?
[HighVisDan]:Tingo 3. That's permanent. Yeah, that's her favorite.
[HighVisCullen]:Asian zing is good.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, it's all right.
[HighVisCullen]:It's not good. Well, 50-50 chance it's not good the day after.
[HighVisCaden]:I can't say I've had it.
[HighVisCullen]:We gonna, should we acknowledge that every time, as everyone here, this is, all right, this is a safe space, okay? Just wanna set the table correctly. Has everyone here had a beat ups trip, or maybe just a wing trip somewhere else, but since beat ups is our place in our town, so everyone had a beat ups trip where there may be two minutes out the door on their way home and they already have to go.
[HighVisDan]:Absolutely. Absolutely.
[HighVisCaden]:I don't think
[HighVisCullen]:can think of a few times.
[HighVisDan]:It's like right after before you leave and you have that minute before you leave to decide if you want to go. It's right after that. You're already in the car pulling out of the parking lot. It's like, damn. Yeah, absolutely.
[HighVisCaden]:Can't say I've had that
[HighVisDan]:I have a similar question but not related to that. Do you find people get fries? Am I the only one that's weird? My wife thinks that's weird.
[HighVisCullen]:that you get fries?
[HighVisDan]:All every time.
[HighVisCullen]:I mean, I don't get fries every time, but I don't see why you would think it's weird to get fries.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, I just did it one time and I was like, can I you guys surprise? I'll do fries and now anytime I get like chicken wings, I love having fries. I also get fries with my steaks, but I'm also weird.
[HighVisCullen]:Fries and
[HighVisDan]:love it.
[HighVisCullen]:a little weird, you gotta do baked potato.
[HighVisDan]:No fries.
[HighVisCullen]:or like vegetables in a salad if you want to be like a weenie.
[HighVisCullen]:You are
[HighVisCullen]:a child. Are you, you dip your steak in ketchup too?
[HighVisDan]:If the steak sucks, I'll use A1. If it doesn't suck, just pepper.
[HighVisCullen]:Sorry, Kayden, I had to fucking belittle our
[HighVisCaden]:It's all good.
[HighVisCullen]:resident child.
[HighVisCaden]:I was going to say, I'd either go for like cheese curds or Moth 6 or something like that.
[HighVisDan]:Cheese curds, those are good, absolutely.
[HighVisDan]:Those are top tier. I had never had them until like a year ago, and that's it. I never knew that I had a love for pretzel, like soft pretzel stuff. I love it, absolutely amazing.
[HighVisCaden]:those you could smother and like cheese, you know.
[HighVisDan]:I like honey mustard too. Those
[HighVisDan]:are really good on pretzel bites. But yeah, anyway, back to wing sauces. Yeah, now I'm going to be hungry.
[HighVisCaden]:All right. All right. You know, for the real number one here, I'm going spicy. It is sweet. It is very good. Three very descriptive words. And I usually eat these with I have either a modello or a corona. This is a jam and jalapeno. Very good.
[HighVisDan]:my number
[HighVisCaden]:there. Was it? Oh,
[HighVisCaden]:that's so hot.
[HighVisCaden]:I love
[HighVisDan]:No, it's amazing. It is.
[HighVisCaden]:I had only discovered this sauce in like the last year and a half. And we went one
[HighVisCaden]:time, I was like, I was feeling, you know, just feeling adventurous.
[HighVisDan]:you gotta get
[HighVisDan]:way when you're paying 20 bucks for a basket of wings.
[HighVisCaden]:Exactly. So I was, I'll try these. And I was like, damn, these are pretty freaking good too.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, they are.
[HighVisCaden]:yeah, jam and jalapeno, my number one.
[HighVisDan]:They took hot barbecue away and added that. Like that was the, it wasn't the replacement, but when they
[HighVisDan]:took hot barbecue away, because that's what I got for years. And then ever since that's what I've been getting is the jam and jalapeno. So good, good pick.
[HighVisCullen]:I have not tried it.
[HighVisCaden]:very good.
[HighVisCullen]:What color is that? Is it green?
[HighVisCaden]:like a brownish color and like it's pretty high up on the on the spice. But I mean, it's not it's not bad at all.
[HighVisDan]:I think it's like
[HighVisDan]:orange on the spice scale.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I definitely
[HighVisCullen]:No you don't
[HighVisDan]:Well, no, I'm saying it goes from like yellow
[HighVisCullen]:The orange.
[HighVisDan]:to like orange to red. I think
[HighVisDan]:it's in
[HighVisDan]:orange area.
[HighVisCullen]:And it's now this one's 10,000 scobels. Well, this one's orange.
[HighVisDan]:It doesn't
[HighVisDan]:Scoville units
[HighVisDan]:on there. That's just what I mean. Like.
[HighVisCaden]:I think it's right on the plane of orange-red, I think.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, because
[HighVisCaden]:Control yourself.
[HighVisCullen]:Kayden, you're picking again, bud.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh yeah. All right, so this I do not drink beer with because yeah, it just doesn't taste good. Or I'm not fond of beer that would taste good with it. So this is like for when I just want to go be fat and hang out. It's a Parmgar, Parmesan garlic. Very good.
[HighVisCaden]:Now that
[HighVisDan]:Never had
[HighVisCaden]:in ranch, Kellen.
[HighVisCullen]:fat and hang out.
[HighVisCaden]:If I want to...
[HighVisCullen]:Dan's entire life.
[HighVisCaden]:But no, Parmesan garlic, it's Parmesan and garlic and it's creamy. You can't
[HighVisCaden]:beat that. Yes.
[HighVisCullen]:It's parmesan AND garlic. Parm garlic is that.
[HighVisCaden]:Have you heard of this,
[HighVisCaden]:It's groundbreaking. Yeah, that's probably my second favorite sauce. There you go. Parmgar.
[HighVisCullen]:I also have that's the, that's the first one that someone's taken that was on my list. I very much enjoy garlic parm. Although it's, it gets like, I can only have so many I can, I think I usually have to have like five and I'm like, okay, this is too much, at least
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I
[HighVisCullen]:B dubs I haven't had anywhere else yet.
[HighVisDan]:Can it be
[HighVisDan]:a favorite with a limiter like that?
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, it's good for those five ones. And then after that, I'm like, okay,
[HighVisCullen]:this is
[HighVisCullen]:really garlicky. It builds.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, okay. Does
[HighVisCaden]:I agree
[HighVisCaden]:a little
[HighVisDan]:never had
[HighVisCaden]:I could probably eat 10. If I'm like super hungry, I could definitely eat more wings. But if like parmgar, it's, it's almost like heavy almost sort of, if that makes any sense.
[HighVisCaden]:you eat so many.
[HighVisCullen]:I always get, I'll get that in honey barbecue or that in Asian zing or that in mild or now I got to list all my things. But yeah, it's a good pairing when you're like, I don't just want 20 of one. I want half and half.
[HighVisCullen]:Then it's like,
[HighVisCullen]:okay, that's where that shines. Oh shit, it's my turn.
[HighVisCaden]:Yep, your turn son.
[HighVisCullen]:No. Alright, I can't believe this got back to me. Uh, cause this is my second favorite. Uh, honey barbecue. It's a, it's super basic, but I think it's probably the most ordered like wing sauce at B-dubs
[HighVisDan]:yeah, probably.
[HighVisCullen]:And it is very good.
[HighVisDan]:you just
[HighVisDan]:make fun
[HighVisCullen]:And I
[HighVisCullen]:them puppies in ranch. Drown them. I won't B-dubs really bad now.
[HighVisDan]:Mm-hmm, absolutely.
[HighVisCullen]:We're gonna do all food episodes during the diet challenge just to see who
[HighVisDan]:Ha ha
[HighVisCullen]:the strong will only survive.
[HighVisDan]:We should, uh, we should do a little cell phone filmed live at B dubs to kick off the weight loss challenge.
[HighVisCullen]:cell phone filmed B-dubs. No.
[HighVisDan]:would be amazing.
[HighVisDan]:You wouldn't even be able to hear us. It would just be a bunch of Marian or a bunch of Ohioans barking in the background.
[HighVisCullen]:just be a bunch of slobbering and grunting. You tellin' me,
[HighVisCullen]:us three eatin' wings together wouldn't be sound like a pack of hyenas found a small lion cub.
[HighVisDan]:Are you a that's another question too. Are you a traditional or a boneless guy? You too?
[HighVisCaden]:It depends.
[HighVisDan]:I ask because I'm going to make a very strong point that's very
[HighVisCullen]:It doesn't-
[HighVisCullen]:it does not depend for me, it's always boneless. Fuck bones.
[HighVisDan]:Okay, see the people that are like, you're eating wings. They ain't got bones in them. You a Nazi coward. Well, I mean, they're wings, bud. Calm down.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan, Jesus Christ, I like that effect now in Dan's mind. I don't know if I don't know exactly how the Nazis like put down their list of morals,
[HighVisCullen]:but like somewhere on the hierarchy of like ideals of Nazis was boneless wings.
[HighVisDan]:That's right. No, but...
[HighVisCullen]:It's like number three on the list.
[HighVisDan]:That's right.
[HighVisDan]:Why did they
[HighVisDan]:kill so many people? Fuck.
[HighVisDan]:right. That's
[HighVisCullen]:giving them bone-in wings.
[HighVisDan]:right. So I'm going to go ahead and plant the flag at the third best, in my opinion, which is mango habanero.
[HighVisCaden]:Damn it.
[HighVisDan]:Yes, sir.
[HighVisCaden]:It's good.
[HighVisDan]:That stuff is top notch. Very
[HighVisDan]:I don't get it. regularly, but when I I'll get an inkling for it or whatever it's called, I'll go I'll get like the taste for it and It's good That but that's one of the ones that like every third or fourth one You just drench it in ranch because it also tastes really good with ranch But I do drink usually when if i'm there eating i'll drink when I eat those because beer like cold beer goes good with those
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah. Go ahead, go ahead.
[HighVisDan]:What is the hottest wings each like you two have had? Like not that you've liked, but just had. Have you tried their Blazin? Cause the Blazin
[HighVisCaden]:I think it's,
[HighVisCaden]:is it wild now or is it, oh no, that's
[HighVisDan]:They have wild.
[HighVisCaden]:blazing Carolina reaper. That's what
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, well,
[HighVisCaden]:it is.
[HighVisDan]:that's the thing. Yeah, Blazin didn't always have the Reaper, if I remember right. So the Blazin formula used to be different. I have not had it since the, they have put the Reaper in it.
[HighVisCaden]:Um, I think the, I'm not sure. I've not had the wild. I had one at one point it was a. Uh... shit. A chili ghost pepper.
[HighVisCaden]:That was pretty hot. That was pretty spicy.
[HighVisDan]:I imagine. Yeah, some of their sauces, man, some of their stuff can get. Hot.
[HighVisCaden]:And I
[HighVisDan]:thing, they're like.
[HighVisCaden]:into eating that as well. I didn't know it was, I was told it was just like their new chili sauce. Like,
[HighVisCaden]:that's not just
[HighVisCullen]:it first?
[HighVisCaden]:It didn't only smell hot.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh, that's weird. I feel like that
[HighVisCaden]:it was
[HighVisCullen]:it's super.
[HighVisCaden]:like, it was like dark, deep red. I was like, I should have knew better. It was like scary looking sauce. And I was like, oh, but like, you know, you think chili, well, your mom makes a pot of chili. You're like, oh,
[HighVisCaden]:it's like dark red, you know? That's what I was thinking, eating it.
[HighVisDan]:You just chug down lava.
[HighVisDan]:That's the, but things that are just hot for the sake of being hot, I just don't get. Like having a high tolerance for heat is fine if it tastes good. Like it has
[HighVisDan]:to have that accompanying good flavor. If you're just eating it to punish yourself, you're an idiot. But like, I just don't get it. Cool, man. I don't know why you pay 20 bucks to cry in public, but whatever.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I've always wondered
[HighVisDan]:I don't know.
[HighVisDan]:The blazing,
[HighVisDan]:like the blazing is hot, but to me, it just tastes like shit.
[HighVisDan]:The flavor of it's trash.
[HighVisCullen]:Is that what therapy is?
[HighVisDan]:What? Toribai!
[HighVisCullen]:Paying 20 bucks to cry in public.
[HighVisCaden]:What's private?
[HighVisDan]:In the
[HighVisDan]:presence of another
[HighVisDan]:I guess
[HighVisCullen]:of. It's sort of. It's more public than your house.
[HighVisDan]:And you imagine taking someone on a date. You're so excited. You take them there and you want to flex on them. So what do you do? You pay 20 bucks to get a basket of tears so that you can just hand over your dignity to this person. Like, how stupid can you be? I don't know, whatever. I love it.
[HighVisCullen]:One thing I noticed is that all of us have a sweet heat pick.
[HighVisDan]:I have
[HighVisDan]:what I would
[HighVisCullen]:like that's
[HighVisCullen]:where it's
[HighVisDan]:a sleeper,
[HighVisCullen]:Oh yeah, do ya? Do
[HighVisDan]:if you
[HighVisDan]:remember a previous podcast, it'll make sense, but I highly doubt that you will.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm gonna fucking steal it so hard now.
[HighVisDan]:I doubt it.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm gonna steal it so hard
[HighVisDan]:All right.
[HighVisCaden]:Is it back to you, isn't it? Or no,
[HighVisCaden]:it calling
[HighVisCullen]:sir, all
[HighVisCaden]:in? Yeah, back to you,
[HighVisDan]:I ripping too?
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, it's
[HighVisDan]:Okay, so my last one was Mango Habanero. So I'll go ahead and throw out my sleeper pig.
[HighVisDan]:If we remember from a previous episode, which it's me. So of course you do. I'm the most important person in the galaxy. So my favorite food is Chinese food and more specifically general. So it's chicken. Yes, sir.
[HighVisCullen]:I was
[HighVisCullen]:steal it so hard.
[HighVisDan]:I respect you for remembering good man. Thank you for that. But yes, the
[HighVisCullen]:you tried
[HighVisCullen]:it yet?
[HighVisDan]:I have not, but it doesn't matter. I'll drink it. It's my favorite.
[HighVisCullen]:I mean, Bdubs has it now, that's why I ask.
[HighVisDan]:That's what I'm saying is that's where I had seen that they but I mean, I haven't had beatups ever. But I seen that they had a wing sauce and it's a wet one for it. Because I hate when I see a sauce that I'm interested in it beatups. And it's like, it's a dry rub. No. But yeah.
[HighVisDan]:But like
[HighVisCullen]:ask him for a cup of milk and then pour it in there too. There you
[HighVisCaden]:another question I had for both you guys. So as far as like, just like sauce, like saucy wings, do you like them like kind of dry, super wet, or like kind of in the middle?
[HighVisCullen]:in the middle.
[HighVisDan]:When I order wings, I tell the waitress extra wet.
[HighVisCullen]:Eww, you're gross.
[HighVisDan]:Oh, yeah.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, girl.
[HighVisCullen]:Sometimes I won't lie, like if they're cooked, like if the breading is done well on them and like they're not overcooked or undercooked or whatever, sometimes it's nice to have it a little light. But that's only if it's. Like cooked right, and I also don't want them all to be light, I just want like one or two that are light and my oh that's kind of nice.
[HighVisDan]:You are so picky.
[HighVisCullen]:Just saying, it's a nice change of pace every now
[HighVisDan]:You got
[HighVisCullen]:and then.
[HighVisDan]:the cook back there like, shit, there's too many wings that are too wet, dumps the tray,
[HighVisCullen]:I don't
[HighVisCullen]:anything, I'm just saying
[HighVisCullen]:it's a nice
[HighVisCullen]:change of pace.
[HighVisDan]:I know, I'm just saying, I'm making fun of you. It's all right. But yeah, the
[HighVisCullen]:you're not.
[HighVisDan]:Sos, I will let you know, cause I'm going to try it and I'm gonna get four large orders of it. And I'm gonna come back on this podcast like Cartman and the World of Warcraft episode. And I'm like, it was super good guys. And it's gonna be amazing. That'll be your update. no one should have allowed you to have a soundboard.
[HighVisCullen]:Damn you, Riverside. Damn you.
[HighVisDan]:But yeah, I love the fact that you knew what it was going to be though. That's awesome.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I'm uh, I'm what you call, uh, a good friend.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm sure Kayden knew that too.
[HighVisDan]:Next, or did you?
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, yeah,
[HighVisDan]:Be honest, between me
[HighVisDan]:God. Okay.
[HighVisCullen]:me and God.
[HighVisCaden]:I knew, I swear. Hehehehe
[HighVisDan]:He looks up. I swear. That's awesome.
[HighVisCaden]:McCown, I figured you're for like a dry wing person.
[HighVisCullen]:I've had them, I got one once on accident and I don't think I liked them and that's the only thing I've never gotten them. So
[HighVisCullen]:I don't
[HighVisDan]:nothing to them.
[HighVisCaden]:I mean,
[HighVisCaden]:as far
[HighVisCaden]:as like
[HighVisCaden]:sauce, like, like not like a lot of sauce pretty much. It's kind of like it's just like a thin coat on the outside.
[HighVisCullen]:I want it to all be covered, but I don't want it too much. I don't want them swimming in it like Dan does.
[HighVisCullen]:But I don't want them too dry unless it's like one or two, then that's fine.
[HighVisCaden]:Sometimes it's just sad that comes out and it's like just, and like they're super crispy sometimes, like there's no sauce on this at all. And then the next time you go, the guys back there just, just like just destroying
[HighVisCullen]:Shitting his pants.
[HighVisCaden]:this. Yes.
[HighVisDan]:Let me
[HighVisCaden]:All over
[HighVisCaden]:wings, dude.
[HighVisCaden]:they come hand you, it's just floating on top of all the sauces sitting in. You dance like, oh hell yeah.
[HighVisDan]:I take my
[HighVisCaden]:me a spoon.
[HighVisDan]:out of my water and slap it into my tray and we're good to go.
[HighVisCullen]:Gross. That's so gross.
[HighVisDan]:I like the sauce man, that's why I order the specific wings.
[HighVisCullen]:And I'm getting yelled at for drowning them in ranch. I see. That's interesting. It's interesting.
[HighVisDan]:Well, no, I usually
[HighVisDan]:drown. Well, like we've already won. I can tell you one damn thing. I will not be the general says ones won't be within a quarter mile of ranch. I'll
[HighVisCullen]:they will.
[HighVisDan]:entire experience.
[HighVisCullen]:You're going to be at a beat up. Z will be within a quarter mile of ranch.
[HighVisDan]:I'll get it and run away home.
[HighVisCullen]:There's ranch
[HighVisDan]:And I'll throw
[HighVisCullen]:in your fridge.
[HighVisDan]:out all the bottles of ranch and throw them in my neighbor's trash.
[HighVisCullen]:You gotta go to your neighbor's house. You gotta go through the whole neighborhood, just throw away the ranch, just so you can make a point.
[HighVisDan]:walk in put it up throw it out
[HighVisCullen]:You run out, you're like, listen to the podcast to understand.
[HighVisDan]:Throw high-vis stickers like confetti.
[HighVisCullen]:Ah, shit.
[HighVisCaden]:You're up, Kallen.
[HighVisCullen]:Well, before my pick, I think we should take a moment for a word from one of our sponsors. Oh fucking boy, here we go. I'm not ready for this.
[HighVisCaden]:Me either.
[HighVisCullen]:What's your job, children?
[HighVisCullen]:See if I can keep a fucking country voice on for all this.
[HighVisDan]:Channel Dustin Howard.
[HighVisCullen]:Are y'all tired of your hot sauce being thin and barely hotter than a ghost pepper?
[HighVisCullen]:When you make wings, does your favorite hot sauce barely stay on those tender little sauce shovels?
[HighVisDan]:Well, yeah!
[HighVisCullen]:Well then, do we have the product for you on today's show? It's thick and hot sauce. This bad ass bottle of magma is made down in Louisiana using two main ingredients, actual lava and Satan's tears. Accompany that with our own proprietary blend of herbs and spices and this hot sauce is thick as mayonnaise but kicks harder than a mule at a dojo. And the best part is it's shaped like a big ol' pair of knockers. We here at Highly Visible love thick and hot sauce and we want you to love it too. So for a limited time only go to thicksauce.com and use promo code. Dan is stupid and ugly for a whopping 69% off. Thanks y'all. And we hope you enjoy. Thick and hot sauce is not responsible for any medical bills caused by the consumption of its product.
[HighVisDan]:where you just cut it and you're like and remember y'all that's thick with two C's
[HighVisCullen]:No, it's with a cue, bro.
[HighVisDan]:is it oh you
[HighVisDan]:changed it it's thick it's fancy it's that southern fancy
[HighVisCullen]:Alright, well...
[HighVisDan]:That was amazing. What did you say is some thick, or made with actual lava in the devil's tears? Fucking stupid ass.
[HighVisDan]:Magma, yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:No, actual lava and Satan's tears, you were right.
[HighVisCaden]:the promo code should have been hashtag bring back that day.
[HighVisCullen]:God damn it.
[HighVisCaden]:That should have been the promo.
[HighVisCullen]:damn okay well i guess i guess i'm up then i'll probably just leave all that in it's Uh, my pick... I'm kinda surprised this one hasn't been picked either. Dan's definitely gonna belittle me for this. Uh, mild. Love a good mild sauce every now and then.
[HighVisDan]:It's the flavor.
[HighVisCullen]:You don't
[HighVisCullen]:like mild? I
[HighVisCullen]:like mild. You like
[HighVisDan]:the heat
[HighVisDan]:level is fine. It's completely fine. It tastes like trash though. Is the problem.
[HighVisCaden]:That was the first time I've ever seen the look of disgust in dance.
[HighVisCullen]:just not true. You've been friends with Dan long enough. He definitely, he definitely has been disgusted with me a few times.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, for
[HighVisDan]:not generally, like, not generally, genuinely repulsed. You are low. You are less.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm sorry, I didn't pick thick and hot sauce.
[HighVisDan]:It's cause you're a coward.
[HighVisCullen]:Damn, I am a coward. It's too thick.
[HighVisDan]:You Nancy boy.
[HighVisCullen]:I like thin, I like thin hot sauces.
[HighVisDan]:thin and medium.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, and you, Kayden, you don't like mild either?
[HighVisCaden]:Um, I, I used to get all the time when I was younger, when I was like too afraid of spice was kind of like the.
[HighVisDan]:Damn, twist
[HighVisCaden]:I go
[HighVisDan]:the knife.
[HighVisCaden]:to, but, uh, I haven't got it in like years. I've
[HighVisCullen]:get mild
[HighVisCaden]:my palette.
[HighVisCullen]:once a year.
[HighVisDan]:That's the one that wife dingo three she went from mild to Asian saying it was
[HighVisCullen]:I went
[HighVisCullen]:from Asian zing to mild. I just started trying it because it smelled good and I was like, oh, that's pretty good.
[HighVisDan]:That's it. That is
[HighVisCaden]:Once you
[HighVisCaden]:get back to the kitchen and smell some prepared wings or something like,
[HighVisCaden]:Oh my God, these
[HighVisCullen]:go to restaurants with people sometimes
[HighVisDan]:mean, hit
[HighVisDan]:that with
[HighVisCullen]:always get the same thing that I get.
[HighVisCaden]:You have the audacity to stick your freaking your nose holes over their food. Like,
[HighVisCaden]:gonna get this
[HighVisCaden]:time. I'm here.
[HighVisCullen]:Dan and I went to beat ups together and I was just in his fucking wings like
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I just take a day and straws he has this sausage.
[HighVisCullen]:Damn, can't believe I got that much flack for my own. I thought you'd be like, eh, that's basic. I didn't think you'd be like, that's terrible, you should
[HighVisDan]:taste of it is that is one of the worst tasting sauces aside from like the taste of blazing well no one's picked it yet and i'm surprised but i have an even greater hatred than mild sauce
[HighVisCaden]:Uh, I'm
[HighVisCaden]:scared now.
[HighVisDan]:and it's one that a lot of
[HighVisCullen]:I doubt
[HighVisCullen]:have it on my list, so I think I'm okay.
[HighVisCaden]:I next?
[HighVisDan]:I believe so.
[HighVisCullen]:Yes, sir.
[HighVisCaden]:My number three, since I've upgraded from mild sauce, this has been my go-to for years, years and years and years. If I ever go from air washing fights, and I'm drinking to get.
[HighVisDan]:Do it. Say it.
[HighVisDan]:Okay, you live.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, I was scared.
[HighVisCullen]:I got it, I typed it before you said it, I'm so happy.
[HighVisDan]:Did you guess
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, he said he upgraded from mild. I was like, okay, well, what's, what's up for mild?
[HighVisCullen]:I haven't tried medium yet.
[HighVisDan]:medium has a better flavor than.
[HighVisCaden]:Yes. It's got more
[HighVisCullen]:I need
[HighVisCullen]:to try it.
[HighVisCaden]:too. But yeah, that's
[HighVisCaden]:been my go-to for a long time. I just think it was too spicy then, you know? I grew hair in my ballsack and I was like, oh, this is pretty good.
[HighVisCullen]:I just realized I know exactly what Dan's hatred pick is.
[HighVisDan]:Let's say the first
[HighVisCullen]:I figured...
[HighVisCullen]:I figured B. I'm so fucking good at this. It
[HighVisCullen]:is on my list.
[HighVisCullen]:the very bottom
[HighVisDan]:That's two.
[HighVisDan]:No, that's three. Cause you guessed my general says.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm hecking good at this.
[HighVisDan]:That's impressive. I thought that general's well, I guess I did give a good hit on the general says I thought that was a good one.
[HighVisCullen]:No, I thought about putting it on there because I was like, I really like General Tso's chicken, but
[HighVisDan]:Oh, dude,
[HighVisCullen]:I just don't
[HighVisCullen]:know if it'll be good on wings. You just, it's, it's a new endeavor.
[HighVisDan]:Right, it's gonna be
[HighVisCullen]:it's a beat up sauce. So it may just be trash. Like
[HighVisCullen]:you always
[HighVisCullen]:run that risk.
[HighVisDan]:But with that comes, I'm gonna see if anybody else will
[HighVisDan]:Oh yeah.
[HighVisCullen]:Uncle Ben.
[HighVisDan]:I'm gonna
[HighVisCaden]:is my
[HighVisCullen]:Yes, sir.
[HighVisCaden]:This one you can drink beer with. This is Parmesan garlic's older cousin that starts cocaine or going spicy garlic. Now,
[HighVisDan]:You have a
[HighVisCaden]:is a do.
[HighVisDan]:Is it good?
[HighVisCaden]:It's very good. It it it's lower than some things lower than jam and jalapeno and one other thing. But it's spicier. I think it's spicier because of the garlic, maybe. But Now this one, if you have any form of, you know, heartburn or acid free flux and just burp after eating spicy food, this sauce will haunt you for 24 hours because just nonstop burping up spicy and then the garlic is bad. My fiance hates when I get these wings because she has to have, well she has to deal with it afterwards. So very good stuff.
[HighVisCullen]:I thought
[HighVisDan]:I just
[HighVisCullen]:were supposed to be convincing me it was good.
[HighVisCaden]:It is good
[HighVisCaden]:just because it you burp up, you know, the sauce after you eat it. It's it's very good sauce.
[HighVisDan]:Second lunch.
[HighVisCaden]:If you if you do not like
[HighVisCaden]:spicy, you probably don't like it, though.
[HighVisCullen]:I like spicy. I just it's got taste good. It's got to be worth it.
[HighVisCaden]:is good.
[HighVisDan]:that's one of the key things about spicy food.
[HighVisCaden]:And it's orange like first time I ordered this, I was thinking it's going to be like might be the same color as the palm gar or like something different. But just like orange.
[HighVisDan]:You know you've gotten a wing, like a special wing or a certain wing for a long time when you have it abbreviated and you've memorized and used the abbreviation. Like every time you say parmgar I'm like Parmesangar
[HighVisDan]:like god, it might just be because I have the IQ of a lily pad, but you know, either way.
[HighVisCullen]:Parmgar sounds like a character from like Elden Ring or Elder Scrolls. Like he's like a little fucking dwarf person.
[HighVisDan]:Parmgar, dudes just chilling at beat ups.
[HighVisCullen]:He has one tooth.
[HighVisCaden]:No, don't do that to elder schools, bud.
[HighVisCullen]:Elder Ring's better.
[HighVisCaden]:different game.
[HighVisCullen]:That is
[HighVisCullen]:a different game, but it's a better game. That's the important part. Better.
[HighVisCaden]:You've never
[HighVisCullen]:You don't know.
[HighVisCaden]:played it. Jesus. You've played neither.
[HighVisCullen]:You don't know that.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, I do know that.
[HighVisCullen]:You can't prove that in a court of law.
[HighVisCaden]:I will, yeah,
[HighVisDan]:I'll be your
[HighVisCaden]:I will somehow improve it.
[HighVisCullen]:Lawyer. Alright, we're digging deep now. This one is very good and I will not hear any slander of Cajun ranch. I love Cajun ranch. It's so good. You guys had to base off Dan's look. I'm going to say Dan's never had Cajun ranch
[HighVisDan]:Didn't even know
[HighVisDan]:was a
[HighVisCaden]:I don't. Oh, that's at Ralphie's.
[HighVisCullen]:A lot of wing places have it, but yeah, Ralphie's does have it.
[HighVisDan]:Hmm, Cajun Ranch.
[HighVisCaden]:I've had it there
[HighVisCullen]:I had
[HighVisCullen]:up in Cleveland this week.
[HighVisCaden]:Good stuff
[HighVisDan]:hard we talk.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh yeah, super good. If you just want something kind of, it's not like super adventurous, like the floor is super high, but it's, I mean, the ceilings is not that high, but like, I guarantee you, if you tried it, you'd like it, but
[HighVisCullen]:it might
[HighVisCullen]:not, it's probably not going to be in the rotation. I would
[HighVisDan]:generally good wing.
[HighVisCullen]:it's good. I mean, if you like Cajun seasoning, then yeah, you're good. Then you're in there.
[HighVisDan]:I do. I enjoy Cajun. Cajun, for sure.
[HighVisCullen]:of uncultured people
[HighVisCullen]:haven't had
[HighVisDan]:at Bdubs that turned me off to dry seasoning. It tasted good, but it was also just dry seasoning
[HighVisCullen]:was occasion.
[HighVisDan]:and sucked. No, it's the Chipotle barbecue seasoning. I forgot what it was. I'm like, I ordered it because I thought it was a sauce and it was not.
[HighVisDan]:A sauce.
[HighVisCullen]:Can you, you ordered your dry rub extra wet and they're just like, huh? Huh?
[HighVisDan]:They're just dumping more on it. Like just, it's just a mound of powder.
[HighVisCullen]:and water.
[HighVisDan]:It comes to the table. I'm like.
[HighVisDan]:just pepper everybody in the entire building.
[HighVisCaden]:Dry rub never made sense to me at all. It's like, it's not like really covered in the dry rub. You know, they kind of sprinkle it on
[HighVisCaden]:and some of it sticks, but most of it doesn't stick.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I don't know who's that for. Who gets dry rub?
[HighVisCaden]:I had a buddy in high school, actually
[HighVisCaden]:my best friend Alex, he gets the desert heat. Then
[HighVisCaden]:I think there's a buffalo too, I think dry rub.
[HighVisDan]:The people who get dry rubbed, no offense to Alex, you're a good dude, I guarantee it.
[HighVisCaden]:He was
[HighVisDan]:the people,
[HighVisCaden]:he was a Jareen
[HighVisDan]:the people
[HighVisCullen]:a boner.
[HighVisDan]:oh, okay, so, um, I guess so when you do have the IQ of a lily pad, and we'll know what's less
[HighVisDan]:than a lily pad, because I still have the sense not to use dry rub. So when you have the IQ of fish diarrhea, you, I imagine the people who eat like exclusively dry rub are the same people that bring a single. high ABV IPA to a party because they think they have a lot to talk about.
[HighVisCullen]:Uh... I'm glad we just lost a subscriber because you wanted to insult Kaden's friend even more than I did. He's like, he's here that he's like,
[HighVisCullen]:what did you
[HighVisCullen]:say? Fish diarrhea, you fucking jackass. Jesus. No wonder we don't have listeners, they're all like,
[HighVisCullen]:this guy sucks. Keep it together, Daniel. Jesus.
[HighVisDan]:Can't do it. That was funny.
[HighVisCullen]:All right, so Dan, you're up,
[HighVisDan]:Yeah. My the one that I figured would have been taken by now but is the orange chicken. Wet seasoning.
[HighVisCullen]:What's up with you and picking things that don't belong? You
[HighVisCullen]:have General Tso's and orange chicken on here. People are going to think you thought it was like a Chinese food contest.
[HighVisDan]:I have, if there's chicken on any menu with those two things on it, I'm ordering it. It doesn't matter. I could be in the ass crack of Louisiana where all they serve is one specific barbecued, but if they're like, Hey, we also randomly just piled this shit on. And it's general. So it's like, give me that. Can't help myself.
[HighVisCullen]:I'll allow
[HighVisCullen]:like one weird general sows pick but two
[HighVisDan]:I'm a
[HighVisDan]:for General
[HighVisCullen]:to Yes, I am aware. That's why I said it's not that weird, but
[HighVisCullen]:chicken is weird No,
[HighVisCullen]:supplementing you already
[HighVisCullen]:picked it
[HighVisCaden]:Dan's defense here, but I would pick orange chicken and general says over.
[HighVisCullen]:No you wouldn't.
[HighVisCullen]:I like mild, mild pretty good.
[HighVisDan]:Blast it.
[HighVisCullen]:General orange, orange chicken is just not that good in general. You know
[HighVisCaden]:You ever
[HighVisCullen]:we've already talked about it.
[HighVisCaden]:You ever had Panda?
[HighVisDan]:Panda Express
[HighVisCullen]:Dan and I have already
[HighVisDan]:is the
[HighVisCullen]:about orange chicken not being good. Here, here, let me ask you a question, Dan. Orange chicken, so good, okay. 100 times you go to a wing place, and 100 times they have two options, General Sos and orange chicken. Out of those 100 times, how many times did you get General Sos?
[HighVisCullen]:Okay, so shut the fuck up.
[HighVisDan]:Well, no
[HighVisCullen]:in there
[HighVisDan]:that doesn't so like if
[HighVisCullen]:get in there once and you're telling me it's good?
[HighVisCullen]:It's not.
[HighVisDan]:a good wing thing.
[HighVisCullen]:It's not good.
[HighVisDan]:Just because
[HighVisCullen]:No, it's
[HighVisDan]:not the-
[HighVisCaden]:That's a pretty good argument.
[HighVisDan]:It's not a good argument. It's like saying
[HighVisCullen]:He's mad
[HighVisDan]:your four out of your five picks are invalid because you'd
[HighVisDan]:pick your fifth pick or your first pick.
[HighVisCullen]:Every all of my picks that I have picked so far. I
[HighVisCullen]:have gotten at some point in the last
[HighVisDan]:also a creature habit. That's another thing. And Panda
[HighVisCullen]:Dan Suttage
[HighVisCullen]:has been hot barbecue, hot barbecue, hot barbecue, hot barbecue.
[HighVisDan]:That's what I got for, I mean, probably five, six years. That's the only sauce I got and them getting rid of it's the only thing that made me venture out. It's the only reason why I went from the five layer burrito to the quesarito and then they did away with the quesarito cause they hate me.
[HighVisCullen]:They didn't get rid of the five layer burrito. The five layer burrito is still there.
[HighVisDan]:I said the quesarito or did I say
[HighVisDan]:five layer?
[HighVisCullen]:from the five layer burrito to the quesarito.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, I went to the, yeah, that's true. I didn't go to it because they got rid of the five layer, but I went back to the five layer because they got rid of the quesarito because the
[HighVisCullen]:do a grilled
[HighVisDan]:is infinitely
[HighVisCullen]:cheese burrito,
[HighVisCullen]:Dan. Trust me, just do a grilled cheese burrito, you'll be fine.
[HighVisCullen]:or the volcano burrito that's there right now. I think I'm gonna get one of those after this.
[HighVisDan]:Control yourself. How do you-
[HighVisCullen]:Hey, we're starting to diet in two days, boys. I'm fucking getting Taki Bell and you can't stop me.
[HighVisDan]:What is it, Sunday?
[HighVisCullen]:morning, way in.
[HighVisDan]:I'm going to jump in then. Because that was Orange Chicken's It's Good.
[HighVisCullen]:Is it?
[HighVisDan]:But my last, I think this is my last,
[HighVisCullen]:It is your
[HighVisCullen]:last yes.
[HighVisDan]:I have to see if this has been picked. I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't, is
[HighVisCullen]:If you say it, I can tell you.
[HighVisDan]:Caribbean Jerk.
[HighVisDan]:OK. That is like my week fifth. but it's one that I do like.
[HighVisCullen]:I think your week fifth was orange chicken.
[HighVisDan]:You're my weak friend.
[HighVisCullen]:That's not true.
[HighVisDan]:That's the end. Ah.
[HighVisCullen]:How many times in the last year have you gotten Caribbean jerk?
[HighVisDan]:Well, this year I haven't eaten B-Dubs, I don't think at all, but
[HighVisCullen]:last year. And
[HighVisCullen]:I said in the last year. That includes six
[HighVisCullen]:months of the year before.
[HighVisDan]:Maybe once.
[HighVisCullen]:How many times you get orange jigging?
[HighVisDan]:Probably once.
[HighVisCullen]:No, I don't believe you.
[HighVisDan]:No, because then every other time I get the
[HighVisDan]:and jalapeno.
[HighVisCullen]:text Dingo3. We're gonna have a talk.
[HighVisDan]:Dingo3 always wants me to get half Asian zing because she wants me to love it as much as her and I'm just like, nah.
[HighVisCullen]:She just wants to share it with you, Dan, and you
[HighVisCullen]:on it.
[HighVisDan]:because she always ends up eating only half of what she orders because her.
[HighVisCaden]:I think you're assuming that Dan goes to beat ups all the time. Like he could have gone
[HighVisDan]:No, yep.
[HighVisCaden]:to beat ups like four times in the last year. You're like, how many times did you get on chicken? Like
[HighVisDan]:may have gone to beat ups twice in the past maybe year and a half. It's just
[HighVisDan]:And I have to feed anytime I go get fast food, I feed four people paying like$80 is not ideal.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, I know. I know Dan. Dan doesn't get beat up that often because Dan is That was really long. Oh my god stop.
[HighVisCaden]:Then as a what?
[HighVisDan]:is exactly that.
[HighVisCullen]:Sorry Dan,
[HighVisDan]:a summary
[HighVisCullen]:air you out like
[HighVisDan]:the previous
[HighVisCullen]:on the- Yeah, I mean, listen, I don't get I don't go to beat ups or any really wing place that off anymore because beat ups has been bad for a little while.
[HighVisCullen]:We need a good wing place in Marion, that'd be or in damn
[HighVisCaden]:they know where we live now.
[HighVisCullen]:So your last two picks are orange chicken,
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, you're welcome.
[HighVisCullen]:orange chicken and Caribbean chicken. Okay.
[HighVisDan]:You're welcome for me.
[HighVisCullen]:All right. I'm just going to go with that. We're just going to go real far out of, out of left field here.
[HighVisCaden]:Is this your last one?
[HighVisCullen]:Yes. Uh, I think it was last year, maybe two years ago, they did a limited time, uh, sauce at B dubs. That is my favorite flavor of Doritos. It was the spicy sweet chili Doritos sauce. And it was really, really good. I only got to get it once cause it was sold out the whole heck and time, but it was really good. So I'm gonna throw that in there. If you like the, it tasted pretty much the same. It was like an Asian zing that was actually sweet, but also not quite as hot.
[HighVisDan]:That's still kinda cool.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, it was. I mean, all these wing places do these weird gimmicks now with Doritos or Cheetos like, Oh, we got to have flaming hot wings and Applebee's like, No, you don't. It's weird. Just make a good sauce. Like, why can't you just make a good sauce? especially a place that like Applebee's that has five
[HighVisDan]:Do you
[HighVisDan]:go to Applebee's and just like berate the, the hostess or the waitress? Like, why don't you just make a good sauce?
[HighVisDan]:I just take your order.
[HighVisCullen]:I do.
[HighVisCaden]:talk to someone who does.
[HighVisCullen]:Especially- like Applebee's only has- fuck it- Applebee's has four sauces. Like, B-dubs, I get it. You wanna do weird stuff cause you have thirty sauces. I understand, that makes sense.
[HighVisDan]:like their bread
[HighVisCaden]:wing joint though.
[HighVisCaden]:Applebee's is like a...
[HighVisCullen]:Well then,
[HighVisCaden]:not a wing
[HighVisCullen]:our turf.
[HighVisDan]:Stay off
[HighVisDan]:our turf.
[HighVisCullen]:Applebee's wings are solid, I will say. just as far as wing composition.
[HighVisDan]:If you want somebody to stay out of the wing game, you need to talk to pizza places.
[HighVisCullen]:Mmm, I don't
[HighVisCullen]:ever get wings from pizza places, so I
[HighVisCullen]:don't know.
[HighVisDan]:We get them
[HighVisCaden]:long time.
[HighVisDan]:and they're just, they're like, they're the shit that you buy out of the freezer section at Kroger's.
[HighVisCullen]:You talking shit about Tyson, bro?
[HighVisCaden]:Tyson, any tizers,
[HighVisDan]:do better.
[HighVisCullen]:Are you talking
[HighVisDan]:Any ties
[HighVisCullen]:about the
[HighVisDan]:hey, I, I fucks with them chicken fries. OK, but their chicken wings, but cheese. Any ties are
[HighVisCullen]:opinions are butt cheeks.
[HighVisDan]:What is that like five times in this hour
[HighVisCullen]:Thought that I booed you?
[HighVisDan]:that has been used.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen, I booed myself. I did. I didn't
[HighVisCaden]:We're up
[HighVisCullen]:want to.
[HighVisCaden]:a limit, a one time limit. You get one blue button per episode.
[HighVisDan]:one use of your soundboarded boo button, Kayden is then so authorized to give two over-energized boos.
[HighVisCullen]:That's fine. I'm just going to steal that eventually. I'm just going to rip it off one of these episodes
[HighVisCullen]:going to be the noise.
[HighVisDan]:Dude, I love it. That's my favorite thing about this podcast.
[HighVisCullen]:is Kaden yelling boo.
[HighVisDan]:and smack. It's just the emphasis, the energy in it. It's amazing.
[HighVisCaden]:Well, the reason I smack
[HighVisCaden]:is like, cause in my head, the boo button is like, like the, that was easy button. Colin just like, brrr, it sucks. Just
[HighVisCaden]:smacking the shit out of it. Like, it can't even get out what it's trying to say.
[HighVisDan]:For anyone who doesn't know, real quick, we were at work and there's this giant metal desk at work. We're talking, me and Cullen, and thank God, I was sitting on a floorclift. Cause out of nowhere, you could have heard this shit from another building, smacks this metal desk at like 6,000 RPM or BPM saying, boo from like fucking 30 feet away. And it was, the delivery was perfect. It was hilarious. the most emphasis emphasized boo that, Oh man, if I was standing up on a fallen down, that was hilarious.
[HighVisCaden]:Helen screared at me.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, he did.
[HighVisCullen]:That sounds like me.
[HighVisCaden]:That's not funny.
[HighVisCullen]:not funny. That doesn't sound like me. I
[HighVisCaden]:had done
[HighVisCullen]:it was.
[HighVisCaden]:it back to me, Colin. I was like, man, she was like, that was funny. Man, she just
[HighVisDan]:I'm sorry.
[HighVisCaden]:did it back.
[HighVisDan]:you the kind of guy where they're like surprised at a surprise birthday party? You're like, I wasn't surprised.
[HighVisCullen]:never got a surprise
[HighVisCaden]:I knew the
[HighVisCaden]:whole time.
[HighVisDan]:I read
[HighVisCullen]:I wanted
[HighVisCullen]:a surprise
[HighVisCullen]:party my whole my whole life. I never got one who said Now I'm kind of past it. I'm just like, okay, I don't really
[HighVisCullen]:want it anymore.
[HighVisDan]:the surprise.
[HighVisCullen]:Leave me alone,
[HighVisDan]:one loved you the whole time.
[HighVisCullen]:I Know it was sad
[HighVisDan]:Sorry, I had to find out this way.
[HighVisCullen]:I'm sad about it still.
[HighVisDan]:Thanks for watching!
[HighVisCullen]:Thanks for bringing up our pressed memories, Dan.
[HighVisDan]:You're welcome.
[HighVisCullen]:You're welcome. Don't say you're welcome, idiot.
[HighVisDan]:I'm here to provide.
[HighVisCaden]:you pick
[HighVisCaden]:yet, Colin?
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, no.
[HighVisCullen]:I did.
[HighVisCaden]:What did you
[HighVisCullen]:did, the purple Doritos.
[HighVisCullen]:Oh yeah, I'm kidding. Oh yeah, I don't even know what you picked anymore.
[HighVisDan]:We've been dissing and going
[HighVisDan]:off ever since your pick.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen, anyway, it's Kayden's turn for Kayden's last pick.
[HighVisCaden]:My number five. I don't get this often, but sometimes, you know, it's a different kind of hot, I would say. It's a good
[HighVisCaden]:hot. Good spicy, I should say.
[HighVisCullen]:Alright, I thought that was pretty funny. It's fine.
[HighVisCaden]:This is Nashville hot. Very good.
[HighVisCullen]:I like Nashville hot.
[HighVisCullen]:It's super
[HighVisDan]:had it.
[HighVisCullen]:hot though.
[HighVisCullen]:You've never had Nashville hot, Dan?
[HighVisCaden]:I always think of the KFC commercials like Nashville. I care a lot of
[HighVisCullen]:I don't
[HighVisDan]:is so aggressive.
[HighVisCullen]:You have too much knowledge of commercials. That's what I've learned in the last two episodes.
[HighVisDan]:That is fair. Yeah,
[HighVisCullen]:you were talking
[HighVisCullen]:about that Lowe's paint episode or paint commercial
[HighVisCullen]:with the blue hair.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, it's like, she has blue hair. Don't say it, don't say it. She has blue hair. He could not hold it in.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah, two commercials I do not remember it literally at all.
[HighVisCaden]:You're 11 TV's in your house.
[HighVisCullen]:Listen, doesn't mean I have to member him. Idiot. Alright, anyone got any honorable mentions?
[HighVisCaden]:I have one that I'm just going to say to make Dan mad, but I don't order
[HighVisCullen]:Do it.
[HighVisCaden]:it. But
[HighVisCullen]:Do it. It's
[HighVisCaden]:original Buffalo.
[HighVisCaden]:Oh my
[HighVisCullen]:What's wrong with Buffalo Dan? Buffalo's fine. Buffalo's
[HighVisDan]:bet you also smoke shitty menthol cigarettes and scream at your kids at the park. God, you suck.
[HighVisCullen]:can't afford B-Dub, stupid.
[HighVisDan]:They can afford buffalo sauce. goddamn shit you can make out of a damn insta packet with water and sadness. Buffalo is for people who have given up long ago on anything, on achieving anything in life. Buffalo is for those among us who will shovel the swill of society forever.
[HighVisCullen]:There's Pretentious Douche Dan, he's back.
[HighVisDan]:Nice to meet me.
[HighVisCullen]:All right, Dan, did you have any? You got any more on your list?
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, well, you said somebody said like sweet or honey barbecue. My honorable mention is the just OG, just original barbecue.
[HighVisCullen]:that what
[HighVisCullen]:honey barbecue
[HighVisDan]:a no, absolutely not. Because barbecue sauce is not originally inlaid with honey. First of all, you uncultured twine. Um, second of all, no, something like, uh, what is it? Like a Bubba's barbecue. That was a good one. Just something in a lot of. Um, what would you call them? Chain restaurants. They use like sweet baby rays and stuff like that. Like their original barbecue, which is good, but you get some of these, like, if you make your own or whatever, and you get some of these like glass bottled, expensive barbecue sauces at like Kroger where they have like one or two bottles, bottles on, on like the bottom shelf or something hidden, some I'm really good, but yeah.
[HighVisCaden]:Some people like super sweet barbecue sauces.
[HighVisCaden]:Like my
[HighVisCaden]:fiance, she likes she likes sweet barbecue. I do not.
[HighVisDan]:I agree. I don't prefer one that's extremely sweet either. Like honey barbecue is really good. I guess fine. But like if it's just like a sweet, like a I don't even know how to say it like a like most sweet barbecues, the ones that are advertised as like a sweet
[HighVisCaden]:like a mouthful
[HighVisDan]:Most of those
[HighVisCaden]:of sugar.
[HighVisDan]:just yeah, it just tastes fake. I don't know.
[HighVisCaden]:Like I could do like sweet and spicy or sweet. And then there's like a bam
[HighVisCaden]:the end of
[HighVisCaden]:I liked that.
[HighVisDan]:it's designed to work in like a two part system, but like, yeah,
[HighVisDan]:absolutely. I agree. It's like drinking chocolate milk with too much chocolate powder or something in it. It's just weird. There's too much of one thing in it.
[HighVisCullen]:I got honey mustard and Chipotle ranch. Those were my last two. Polar Ranch,
[HighVisCullen]:fucking fire. Honey Mustard, meh. But I wanted to make sure I had enough just in case you guys took all of it.
[HighVisDan]:Honey mustard's good with most, like any chicken thing. It's just
[HighVisDan]:a really good chicken sauce thing.
[HighVisCaden]:Um, have you guys ever had the Thai curry?
[HighVisDan]:No, I've never had that
[HighVisCaden]:either, I just looked at on the menu, I seen that. There's, I think I've had the teriyaki one time maybe. I don't remember if I had or not.
[HighVisDan]:I think Dingo 3 said that you I am going to try the palm got palm gar or whatever you call it. I'm going to try that now.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, I would do like Colin said, I would get like 10 and then do like half parmgar and half like medium or something like that, just because.
[HighVisDan]:What's the other one you said spicy garlic? I'll probably do five
[HighVisCaden]:Spicy garlic.
[HighVisDan]:and five.
[HighVisDan]:I'll probably like
[HighVisCullen]:it's just
[HighVisCullen]:all garlic, so he doesn't
[HighVisDan]:like garlic.
[HighVisCullen]:avoid the problem
[HighVisDan]:I just
[HighVisCullen]:at all.
[HighVisDan]:have never really attacked a garlic based like centric sauce. Hmm.
[HighVisCullen]:Yeah. All
[HighVisCullen]:right. So before we get out of here, cause we just crossed an hour.
[HighVisDan]:Oh my god.
[HighVisCullen]:rules for the thing here's my here's my proposal to you and dan's gonna say no but fuck dan
[HighVisCaden]:But fuck them.
[HighVisCullen]:We weigh in on Monday. I hate you. We tell each other, whatever it is, or we send a picture, whatever. I don't fucking care. Uh, and then it's just from now until October 1st. That's what I would like. I would like it to be not a short amount of time. I don't think it needs to be six months. Like I originally thought I think three months is good.
[HighVisDan]:Yeah, six months is ridiculous. That's like.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah. I was
[HighVisDan]:could get
[HighVisDan]:back on
[HighVisCaden]:to two
[HighVisDan]:Not built.
[HighVisCaden]:Two months. You're like,
[HighVisCullen]:One's too
[HighVisCaden]:Oh, I can
[HighVisCaden]:do like
[HighVisCullen]:for sure.
[HighVisCaden]:five to six months. I'm like, dang, that's like a complete transition.
[HighVisDan]:No shit.
[HighVisCullen]:That's the point. I don't want it to be where, like, I want it to be where we could do TikToks after like, look at our transformation and we get 27 likes. we have
[HighVisCullen]:less boobers. So that's
[HighVisCullen]:I was thinking do and we'll do it by percent loss not pounds and
[HighVisDan]:coward. I don't know how to do
[HighVisCullen]:would have a distinct advantage there, Dan. I'm definitely the
[HighVisCullen]:that weighs
[HighVisDan]:you can
[HighVisCullen]:the most.
[HighVisDan]:run the numbers.
[HighVisCullen]:I hate you.
[HighVisCullen]:I will
[HighVisCullen]:do the numbers and
[HighVisDan]:all the
[HighVisCullen]:update at the end. We'll post an update at the end of month one and two. And then at the end of month three, it'll be, oh, here's the winner. Then at the end of month three, titties out.
[HighVisDan]:for you too. Okay, go hit the dates one more time. Monday to when?
[HighVisCullen]:we'll weigh in and we'll send each other whatever it says
[HighVisCullen]:to October, early October. We'll pick a date
[HighVisCullen]:because we'll probably want to do it closer to an episode.
[HighVisDan]:Okay. I hope you're ready to let them puppies fly. All right.
[HighVisCullen]:I don't have puppies. I have a dog.
[HighVisDan]:That's that moment where you're always like, I wanted to hang up so bad right there.
[HighVisCaden]:Yeah, no shit.
[HighVisCullen]:Alright, well, if you haven't got anything they need to tell all of our listeners, we need to admit to them before we leave.
[HighVisDan]:If you like Buffalo, you're not the worst person in the world. You're just.
[HighVisCullen]:one of them.
[HighVisDan]:one, you're among them.
[HighVisCaden]:You're on.
[HighVisDan]:But I still have, I still have love for you. Some of you, none of you. Do better. That's my message.
[HighVisCullen]:Jesus Daniel, calm down.
[HighVisCaden]:There are better things in this world than Buffalo Sauce.
[HighVisDan]:That's right. Listen, cheap cigarettes and buffalo sauce. Do better. All right. Next you're gonna tell me you like paps. Stop. Look
[HighVisDan]:at yourself.
[HighVisCaden]:See you guys.
[HighVisCullen]:I'll take you so much. Oh my god. Thank you. Thank you so much for too kind